Winter Social

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Summary: Life as the pre-teen daughter of two married NCIS agents was hard enough. Why did Danny Michaels have to invite me to our private school's Winter Social?

Tony DiNozzo x Kate Todd                    Tony Dinozzo x Daughter!Reader              Kate Todd x Daughter!Reader

The day started like any other. 

My alarm clock woke me up promptly at 5:30 in the morning, my normal wake-up time for every Wednesday. I immediately set to my morning routine, wanting to get done in the bathroom before Mom and Dad wake up to start their mad dash off to work. After washing my face with the acne cleanser Mom buys for me at the skincare store, I took out my braids, where they had been tied up since my shower the night before. Using my fingers to work out any kinks caused by sleep, as a way of avoiding having to brush out my over-night curls, I tried to find the delicate balance between taking my time getting ready and 'hogging' the large bathroom my family had to share. 

Mom nagged me into wearing the windbreaker that's a part of Warren Bailey's School for Academic Excellence's strict student uniform. So, I was wasting the time I usually spend posting my OOTD pics to Snapchat to now rummage through my closet for the navy blue jacket. If I can't get out the door in the next sixty seconds, I'll end up missing the bus and Dad will have to drive me to the front gates. 

Pulling up to the school, I toy with a loose string on my uniform skirt where it sits awkwardly over a pair of jeans. I still don't get why Dad makes me do this in the winter. Afterall, as soon as I step foot in the school I'll have to take the jeans off anyways. Why won't he just let my walk the ten yards between the heated car and the sauna-like conditions of the main hall with just my nude tights and checkered school skirt? All the other girls get to do it.

At least in school I got to just be me. I got to be the math wiz with an eidetic memory. Where I got that, I still can't tell you. It had been the subject of ridicule at my old public school. That's why I only lasted until second grade there. Uncle Gibbs had pulled the strings to get me into WB on a full-ride scholarship. But, unlike the highschoolers who walk the upper classmen halls, Elementary and Middle school didn't get to life on campus year round. There simply wasn't enough space to accommodate that. So, I was stuck feeling like a showcase around Mom and Dad's team... and feeling out of place in the new-to-me middle school halls of the school. Mister Meyers, the sixth grade councilor, said I that what I was going through was completely normal for a girl my age, but I'm not so sure. I mean, Lesley Wright seemed to fit in well. If the band of eight grade boys following her around the halls like love-sick puppies was any indication. And Tommy Wilson even made it on the middle school soccer team, and carried them to the semi-finals after the usual center (and eight grader who was so tall he looked like he should be in high school) got his shin shattered halfway through the match. 

Maybe it was just destiny that I end up more comfortable in a word of logic and facts. Maybe I was meant to simply do the work and be the beautiful wallflower i was since enrolling right after fall break in second grade. Maybe....I just wasn't good enough to have it all. 

Miss Violet, my homeroom teacher who is also the librarian, Informed us that today starts the fundraiser for UNICEF. Every year, from November til April, the school pits classes in every grade against each other to see who can donate the most to those less fortunate. The winners of each grade get an age appropriate reward. This year, the winning sixth grade homeroom get a MacBook for every student in that homeroom class. They Macbooks themselves were donated my Sammy Spencer's mom, who works at apple as a products tester. So, she gets all the 'tester' computers she wants for free. I really want my own laptop. That way I don't have to sit on the floor next to dad's desk to do my homework, since the used laptop Uncle Tim tried to fix up has a short in the battery that makes the unit shut off the second it gets unplugged. 

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