Silence is Golden

137 4 3

Gibbs x mute!Male!OC

AN: My first honest attempt at a short little drabble. 

Gibbs strode confidently into the NCIS bullpen, a rare smile playing at the corners of his lips. His team glanced up from their desks, curiosity evident in their expressions as they noted the slight spring in his step.

"Hey, Boss, what's got you in such a good mood?" Tony DiNozzo quipped, raising an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair.

Gibbs simply smirked in response, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "You'll see, DiNozzo. Just be ready for dinner tonight."

The team exchanged puzzled glances, but they knew better than to question their boss further. If Gibbs had something up his sleeve, they were in for an interesting evening.

As the workday drew to a close, the team gathered at Gibbs' house, anticipation humming in the air. They speculated about who Gibbs could possibly be bringing to dinner, tossing around wild guesses ranging from a new redhead to an old Marine buddy.

The doorbell rang, interrupting their chatter, and Gibbs strode to the door with purpose. He swung it open to reveal a tall, dark-haired man standing on the doorstep, his muscular frame imposing yet oddly gentle.

"Hey, everyone," Gibbs greeted with a smile, gesturing for the man to come inside. "I want you to meet someone important to me. This is my boyfriend, Robert."

The team's jaws collectively dropped as they took in the sight before them. This was definitely not what they had been expecting.

Robert, or Robbie as everybody he was comfortable around called him, offered a warm smile as he stepped into the house. His dark eyes twinkled with humor as he surveyed the stunned faces of the NCIS team.

"He likes to be called Robbie," Gibbs continued, his tone proud and affectionate. "And don't let the fact that he's mute fool you. He tells the best jokes."

The team exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process this unexpected revelation. Gibbs had a boyfriend, and he was nothing like they had imagined.

As dinner progressed, Robbie charmed the team with his silent wit and easygoing demeanor. Despite his inability to speak, he communicated effortlessly through gestures and expressions, quickly endearing himself to everyone present.

By the end of the evening, the NCIS team had gained a newfound respect for Gibbs and his mysterious boyfriend. They may not have expected this turn of events, but they couldn't deny the genuine affection and happiness that radiated between the two men.

As they bid farewell to Robbie at the end of the night, Tony couldn't help but grin. "Well, Boss, I gotta hand it to you. You sure know how to surprise us."

Gibbs chuckled, a rare twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Yeah, well, life's full of surprises, DiNozzo. You just gotta be open to them." And with that cryptic remark, he closed the door, leaving the team to ponder the unexpected twist in their boss's personal life.

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