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Criminal Minds x NCIS CrossoverGibbs x Fem!Reid!OCSpencer Reid x LittleSister!OCPrompt: "Do you think you can write a part two? where are Gibbs meets their mom and or Gibbs meet little Henry and and he's like oh Fiddlesticks this is pride godson."Warnings ⚠️: Drama, Angst, domestic Loving, Age Gap, Established Relationship, Long-Term Relarionship, Meeting the Family, Fluff all throughout.Summary: Sasha and Gibbs' relationship has gotten really serious. To the point where it's time for him to officially meet some of the most important people in her life.A/N: Can be read as a stand alone Fic, or as part 2 of "Damned if You Do..."

It's pretty much been two years since Gibbs finally broke rule twelve to be with me. Well, it has realistically been a year, ten months, two weeks, and four days since then. And in that time, a lot has changed for the both of us.

The first thing that changed happened almost immediately. The director called us in at well before clock-in time the morning following the 'elevator incident' and the private sexy times that followed to try and calm down what he saw as a fight between coworkers. I can only assume that the video surveillance was grossly misinterpreted.

It took both of us nearly an hour to convince Vance that we weren't fighting. And that my pleas to be put down were eventually honored. I got easily flustered as Jethro explained to Vance the happenings that followed, in vivid detail I might add add, as a way to get us both out of trouble with the legal department. And hopefully rile Vance up enough that he would drop it.

That nightmare of a conversation concluded with Jethro and I having to fill out and sign contracts basically promising that, should we stop seeing one another, we wouldn't let it affect my position as a federal liaison under NCIS.

The next change came in the form of names. Over our increasingly serious relationship, Jethro has pretty much fazed out calling me by my name. I wasn't Sasha, Reid, or even Doc anymore. I was Princess, Baby, Bunny, and Doll. It has even gotten to the point that most visitors assume my first name is actually one of the four.

I still get a laugh out of the time a visiting NSA agent tried to get my attention by calling what he assumed was my name across the bullpin. The word "Princess" didn't even completely leave his mouth before Jethro was on him like mud on a pig.

That actually leads me into my next noticeable change. Jethro has gotten increasingly protective over me as time goes on. He always has looked out for me. But since we've been dating it's gotten so much more pronounced. To the point of me finally breaking down and carrying a handgun for the simple reason of my boyfriend's piece of mind.

Over the span of our relationship, the defining of said relationship took on the most drastic change. At first, I was perfectly content with a 'coworkers with benefits' situation. That was how it went for the first ten-ish months. Gibbs would invite me over a few times a week to let off steam. I would do the same to him as needed. We would kiss, fuck, and work idly on the boat in his basement. That all changed when word from my supervisor, with news of a DOD case that needed me, threatened to end what we had going. Despite the fact that the DOD is located at the pentagon, I would likely have to cut all prior professional ties to NCIS and the BUA prior to being signed on, thanks to the much higher clearance needed to work with the Department of Defense.

That was what really accelerated the development of the love story. It was like knowing our professional relations were coming to a close finally allowed us to look back on our personal ones. And assess whether we were okay with it ending. We weren't, obviously. And that pushed us both to make sure that our true feelings were out in the open. Bourbon in the basement slowly became going sailing down the Potomac. Slowly, Gibbs became Jethro when around others. It was surprising how quickly he became Jethro all the time. I would work my ass off for various projects, most of which involved compiling databases for the purposes of identification, for the DOD just to get swept off my feet to fancy dates. Or spend a lazy day off at home in my pjs, just to get a sudden knock at the door curtesy of Jethro checking up on me.

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