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Anthony DiNozzo x Caitlin Todd

Anthony DiNozzo x Teen!Daughter!OC

Caitlin Todd x Teen!Daughter!OC

Warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship, Angst, Abduction, Missing Person, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Knives, Bruises, Cuts, Broken BonesTW: Stress Smoking, Underage Smoking

Summary: Tony's obsession with taking and keeping photos comes in handy when his Newly-fifteen-year-old daughter Rori is stolen away from right under his and his wife's noses.

Requested: Yes

Requested By: Meredith0990

For as far back as history itself can be documented, and likely for eons prior, pictures have been used to both show us our place in this world and indicate the passage of time. What was once crude markings on a dark cave wall, likely done using ground up berries or the blood of a slain animal, has since become fully digitized photographs ready as quickly as one could touch their fingers to a camera's trigger or a smart phone's touch screen.

It is in regards to photos, dear reader, that we base today's story. throughout this tale, you will not only see into the lives of the Todd-DiNozzo family, But also into the memories they hold dear enough to warrant photographic proof of said events. And in learning of these photos, and the many albums which contain them, you will be privy to any and all secrets, lies, and plots hidden there in.

Tony's POV:

Just like every morning, My alarm awakes not only me, But the woman I get to spend the rest of my life with. Unlike most mornings, six wouldn't be an early enough wake up. With our Little Miss turning the big one-five today, There was plenty we would need to set up for the weekend-long sleepover party she had begged for. "Alright, I'm up!" Kate grumbles angrily as she reached over my torso to slam on the digital clock. She is the embodiment of natural beauty in the morning. Even if her morning breath could peel the paint off the walls. With her usually straight hair a wild mess of bedhead, and her bright eyes subdued by the early morning wake up, it would be a sin not to commit this moment to memory. So, that's exactly what I do. Making sure I grab my personal cell phone, to avoid any awkward talks with the new director, I angle the phone in such as way to look like i was simply checking for messages, calls, or emails. I woulda gotten the perfect shot if it wasn't for the damned flash.


I've always been a bit too obsessed with the very idea of having pictures to look back on. Between the physical photos i keep in albums on the giant bookshelf in the sitting room, and the ones I have on my phone, tablet, and various thumb drives, It's starting to boarder on unhealthy. My own mother wasn't around nearly long enough to amass any substantial photo record of her. In fact, if is wasn't posed pictures at some Dad's events, or one of the few candids of her when she was pregnant with me, I might've had to stumble over my words to tell Lorelai where she got a majority of her looks.

That remands me, I have to send some pictures over to McGoo. He wanted to make a fancy slide show of Rori and her gal pals through the years to paly during the actual 'birthday party' part after work. While I rushed through my usual morning routine, careful not to rush too much cause....look at me, I alternated between scouring my laptop and phones for any and all photos for Tim to use to create a timeline that would perfectly display the five-girl friendship that Rori had held since nursery at her and Kate's church.

Kate's POV:

I cant believe Tony waited until the morning of the party to get those pictures sent to McGee. What if we get a tough case at work today? what it, God forbid, McGee has to call in sick? The twins have been battling a nasty chest virus for over three weeks now. And, when Rori had it as a baby, it quickly took all three of us out of commission for over a month. Baby's and viruses are like magnets to one another.

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