Back at Six

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When I was 6 years old , I tend to cry whenever my mom refused to buy me candy.
The more I cry louder that means I can't handle the pain, and I was 7.

I was 8 when dark rooms scared me a lot so I let the lights on while I'm at sleep.
I was 9 when I manage to made a dream.
I wonder why people get stress if the only thing they need to do is to breath, and I was 10 back. then.
In my 11 years of living I witnessed how people work hard to make living more possible.
When I reached 12 the man I love the most left me, my dad.

I was 13 when I met people that I thought would encouraged me, but ended up disappointing me.
I'm 14 back then, when reality slapped me and realized why people were struggling to survived in this chaotic world.
I saw how people lost their dream, and give up in life, I was 15.

I was 16 then, when my dreams fails me.
And I found a friend inside of me, that became my companion, I was 17.
Dark rooms no longer scares me for it became my comfort zone, I was then 18.

I'm 19 when I realized that crying louder doesn't mean that pain was unbearable, but crying without sound is much more painful.
Now that I'm 20 all I want is to be back at 6.

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