A Letter to Hades

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A Letter to Hades,

    They call you the god of death, but do they even know who you are? It's hard to be imprisoned in darkness, yet they don't know you're in deep sadness. You've been alone since you were born, for they think that you'll bring misfortune.

     They have called you an abductor, but do they know the reason why you do that? You only want a companion, yet she left you without an unacceptable reason. You love her and only her but still she wants other, for she thinks that you are a monster.
They call you the scariest thing, but do they even know your real name? You did nothing to harm anyone, yet they made you feel that you are the most dangerous one. You just want to feel love, for no one have ever done that.

     To you dear Hades, I know more than anyone else what you've been through. To be thrown out from the world, and be treated as dead even if is not. To be betrayed by the only woman you love that keep pushing you away. After hearing your story, I realize that the saddest story existing was yours.


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