twenty five

421 17 0

word count: 2.3k


'I'll see you up there?' Logan asked Mando as she reached back to tighten her belt, making sure no rushed movements would cause her lightsaber to fall into the ocean below. She would truly be kicking herself if she did that. 

Mando looked down at Logan and then at the Cruiser that was slowly parting from the dock. 'Do you remember the plan?' He asked, turning her around by her shoulders so he could tighten her belt for her, even though she had just done so.

'How could I not?' She asked and spun around to face him. 'And off I go...' She muttered with a quick smile in The Mandalorian's direction before she spun on her heels and began running towards the Cruiser, which was now hovering off the edge of the port.

The four Mandalorians watched as she reached the edge of the port and leapt up towards the cruiser, where she managed to catch onto the bottom of it with one hand before she began climbing upwards, using all her strength to hold on against the winds. The length she jumped was shocking to see. 

'Where did you find her?' Bo-Katan asked Mando as she put her helmet on.

Mando never answered her question as they all shot up into the sky, flying above the Cruiser before dropping down on one of the side platforms, where they all began fighting what few Stormtroopers were there guarding the door, meanwhile, Logan was trying her hardest to pull herself up with the strength of the wind against her.

When she was close enough to the rendezvous point, Logan noticed a small blue-gloved hand extended towards her. Nodding at Koska as a thank you, Logan grabbed it and allowed herself to be pulled up.

Logan stood up normally and grabbed onto the railing as her hair blew around her face rapidly. She didn't have a helmet to protect her like the others. Once Axe got the door open, Bo-Katan stepped inside and took out three Stormtroopers on her own with a hidden blade, before signalling for the others to follow her. Mando was last in after Logan.

The doors at the end of the corridor opened to reveal more Stormtroopers that immediately began blasting at them. Logan ducked to her right and hid behind a pillar, right behind Axe, who kept poking his head out and blindly shooting. Across from her was Bo-Katan, Koska and Mando, who were all doing the same thing. They all moved as one and advanced up the hall quickly, taking shelter behind another set of pillars. Bo-Katan and Koska stepped into the hall and managed to take them all down without earning a single scratch on their armour.

The further they moved up the hall, the more Logan began to question whether they actually needed her help; they were managing just fine after taking down another group of Stormtroopers.

As they ran through another set of doors, they all split once again behind the pillars whilst Mando rolled a smoke bomb towards the group of Stormtroopers. Logan almost felt bad for how little time they had to react. She followed behind everyone, keeping an eye out for the back of the group whilst The Mandalorian took care of the front as they all weaved their way through the smoke.

Once they were in the elevator, Koska turned to Logan.

'Are you going to do anything?' She asked as she stepped closer to her, but was stopped by Bo-Katan.

'Are you going to let me?' Logan asked as she unclipped her lightsaber from her belt.

Bo-Katan snapped her fingers in front of the two of them. 'We need to focus. Do not argue. There's going to be a whole lot of firepower on the other side of these doors, be ready to run for cover.'

Sure enough, the doors opened and they were faced with so much blast as they exited, Mando forcefully shoved Logan off to the side and out of the fight. The doors shut quickly, separating them from the Stormtroopers.

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