Chapter Two: Escape

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"Simone, you know I love you. It didn't mean anything."
"If it didn't mean anything why'd you do it? Why throw everything away if it meant nothing?" I looked at him angry and hurt. I couldn't understand why he would sleep with her. Was I not enough?
"Baby you know you're my everything. I love you so much. I was drunk and it just happened."
"Mike, stuff like that doesn't just happen. You could've stopped. You made the choice to bring that girl into our home. Into our room and our bed." I began tossing clothes into a duffel bag. I wasn't going to stay because if he did this once he would do it again.
"Where are you gonna go? You ain't got nobody baby. I'm the only one who loves you and understands you."
"I'm not staying here and sleeping in that bed. I'm leaving and you can't do anything about it." He started stalking closer to me like a Lion stalks his prey. He had a devilish grin on his face. This is not my Mike, I don't know who this stranger is but this house is no longer my home.
He grabbed the duffel bag and threw it across the room.
"You're not going anywhere" he seethed as he gripped my hair. I tried to pry his hands off but he hit me in my face. I began crying he had never laid a hand on me. "Baby you're not going anywhere you're mine. You're gonna stay here because I love you and you love me."
"Mike I don't love you." He slapped me hard across my face.
"Why'd you say that baby? You made me angry. You hurt my feelings I know you love me, Baby." I knew I had to get out of here. The person in front of me is not the man I fell in love with. He was right though. I had no one. My older brother and sister left me to move on with their lives. I couldn't blame them either we didn't have the best parents. I am the youngest of three I was an accident. My mom told me you weren't unwanted just unplanned. My whole life I felt unwanted. My siblings loved me but they left home as soon as they could which left me to spend my teen years without them. My parents were absent and that's when I met Mike.

He was my night in shining armor. He loved me when no one else did. He was always there when I needed someone. He was my first everything. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 16. Now I am 21 and he is 22.

We've grown apart the last year, I never thought he would be capable of something like this though. Every girl says that though don't they? You never think that it could happen to you until it does. Sure he gets angry sometimes but usually he just goes out for a little bit and then comes back once he's calm. Now that I think about it he's probably been cheating on me for a while now. I am no longer hurt by him hitting me I'm just angry and disgusted. He's been sleeping with someone else and who knows how many times he's brought girls back to our home.

"I am leaving and you are not going to stop me. I am taking some of my things and I won't be back. You can keep everything else." I seethed through clenched teeth. I ignored the burning pain on my face where I was sure there was a handprint. I stood up slowly ready to defend myself. He lunged for me again but I tripped him, he was drunk and disoriented. Before he could try to get up I grabbed my bat from next to the door and hit him in the head. I only hit him once and knocked him out. "You don't control me asshole." I continued to pack my bag and left. I didn't know where I was going to go but I was leaving. 

Simone BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now