Chapter Five: Athena Grant

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I woke up the following morning on the couch. Buck was in the kitchen making coffee and I didn't see Maddie anywhere, she must've went home after I fell asleep.

"Hey, good morning. There's some coffee in the pot and I have creamer in the fridge. Feel free to help yourself to whatever for breakfast."

"Thanks Buck." I sat up from the couch and stretched my body out. I know the couch is not comfortable I thought about moving you to my bed but you were knocked out and I didn't want to freak you out if I moved you."

"It's okay I wouldn't want to put you out of your own bed anyway. When are we leaving so I can talk to your friend at the police station?"

"I leave for work in like 30 minutes and then we can head over to the station. She's just going to come in with Bobby and speak to you. Maddie wanted to be there but she had to go to work." 

"That's okay, I'm going to hop in the shower I don't really eat breakfast anyway." I went towards my bag and grabbed a pair of jeans with a hoodie and headed towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower since I didn't have to wash my hair. I got dressed and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I didn't put on any make up since I wasn't really doing anything today.

"Okay, I'm ready to go."

"Cool." Buck grabbed his work bag and we headed out the door. I figured I would just ride with him and then hang out at the fire station all day. I had nothing better to do anyway.

"Can I connect to the Bluetooth?"

"Sure." I connected my phone to his car's Bluetooth and started playing "this is what space feels like" by one of my favorite artists JVKE. I could see Buck bopping his head to the beat of the song.

"Don't tell me you've never heard this song before." I looked at him shocked as he sheepishly nodded his head.

"I don't really listen to this kind of music."

"Oh my goodness, now I'm going to have to show you all of his songs. I promise you can't do anything but vibe to his music. So what do you listen to then?"

"I listen to a little bit of everything it just depends on my mood."

"But you've never listened to JVKE, I'm so disappointed in you Evan. Well, I'm going to have to share my playlist with you to expand your horizons you're missing out."

"I guess I am because this is a good song." For the rest of the drive I played music and none of which Buck knew. For someone who claims he listens to a little bit of everything he sure was clueless to my music taste. I played him some of David Kushner's music and he liked that too. As we pulled into the fire station's parking lot I disconnected my phone.

"You have been enlightened. Now today I am going to make you a playlist that will change your life."

He chuckled and nodded his head, "I guess I have been missing out."

"You guess. Dude those are some of my go-to artists that I listen to every day."

We walked into the fire station and I noticed that everyone was upstairs. 

"Why's everyone upstairs?"

"We have a shift meeting every day. You can come say hi then you'll talk to Athena." I nodded my head and followed him upstairs.

"Hey everybody!" Buck interrupted whatever conversations were happening before we arrived with his big mouth. "You guys all remember my little sister."

"Yeah, how are you feeling sweetheart? Buck called and told me what happened." I assumed the woman speaking must be Athena because I didn't remember meeting her yesterday and she had on a police uniform. I could tell everyone else was curious about the question since I didn't really talk about it yesterday.

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