Chapter Eight: Babysitting Part Two

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The rest of the car ride was filled with talking and laughter between the three. When they got to Eddie's house Simone helped Chris out of the car. "Thanks, I appreciate the help. I am going to take a shower and get ready to go. You and Chris can look around for the ingredients you need for the brownies and whatever we don't have you can order or if I still have time before I have to go I can take you to the store real quick."

"Sounds like a plan." Eddie watched the two as they walked towards the door he couldn't help but imagine seeing this every day. Coming home to the two of them. Eddie can't understand why he feels this way towards Simone since he has known her for five minutes. But he can't deny it. He better get a grip on himself before he scares her off. 

Simone's POV

I can not be falling for my brother's best friend. I know nothing about him and I just met him. This is crazy I am crazy. The first guy to show me attention since I left Mike and I am already falling in love. What is wrong with me this guy is my older brother's best friend and I am already catching feelings. I mean what if he's actually crazy? Okay, that's stupid to say because the dude helped me through my panic attack and is obviously a great father. That makes ignoring these weird feelings so much harder. Ugh! Why am I like this?

Chris' giggling breaks me from my inner monologue. I look over and see Eddie lifting him over his shoulder as he brings him inside. He gently tossed him on the couch as I smiled watching the two.

"So the bathroom is down the hall and the kitchen's behind you. You can look around for what you need I'm going to hop in the shower."


"Hey, Chris why don't you get started on your homework?"

"Okay, Dad." Chris got up and walked over to the table to start his homework. Chris got up and walked over to the table to start his homework. I went to the kitchen to search for the ingredients I needed to make the brownies. I saw that they didn't have any coco powder or chocolate chips but they had enough of everything else. So at least our shopping list is short.

"Chris, do you need any help with your homework?"

"Could, you help me figure out this problem?" I sat down beside him and helped him work through his math problem as we finished the worksheet Eddie came out of his room dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black button-down shirt. His hair was still wet and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't picturing what he looked like in the shower.

 "Hey, so we have like half an hour until I have to go so we can head out to the store real quick and get what you need and then head back."

"Sounds like a plan, we only need a couple of things and we can pick up something for dinner at the store."

"That's a good idea. Come on Chris lets go." We all got in Eddie's truck and headed to the store it wasn't too long of a drive.

"I'll go get what I need for the brownies and you guys can find something for dinner." I walked towards the baking section to get what I needed when I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around but noone was in the aisle with me. It was weird. I grabbed the coco powder and the chocolate chips and went to find Eddie and Christopher. I walked towards the frozen foods aisle when I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw the man I never wanted to see again.

"Simone, I told you that you couldn't leave me." I went to walk away when he grabbed my arm. I could yell for help I mean I am in a public space and I know there is a trained firefighter here. But I couldn't say anything. I just looked at him frozen in fear.

"I'm going to let you go this time but I'm not done with you. Don't worry I won't touch the kid." He let my arm go and walked off I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

How did he find me so soon? How did he know I was going to be here? How long has he been following? My brain overloaded with questions that I had to quickly push away. I couldn't tell anyone what had just happened they would never leave me alone which may be a good thing but I can't handle a bunch of people being worried about me. I just hope he sticks to his word and doesn't hurt Chris. He can take me and do what he wants as long as he doesn't hurt him.

"Hey, there you are. So Chris decided on Dino nuggets with mac and cheese, I hope that's okay,"

"That sounds like a great dinner!" I walked behind the two towards the check-out lanes. I added my items to the basket Eddie was holding. We got in the self-check out line.

"Chris, do you want to scan everything?"

"Yeah!" He had a big smile on his face. Eddie turned towards me as Chris began scanning the items.

"Are you okay? You look really pale."

"Eddie, I am fine its probably just the lighting in here." I was hoping he would buy my lie but he didn't seem too convinced.

"Sure, but if something's wrong you can tell me or anyone on the 118 you know. You're family now and we all support one another."

"I appreciate the support from you and everyone else but I am okay. I think Chris is waiting for you to pay." We turned our attention toward the child in front of us who was growing in patient. Eddie paid for the groceries and we headed back to his house.

"Okay, so you have my phone number right?"

"Yes, I do and your abuela and Tia's numbers are on the fridge. I also have Buck's number in my phone. Eddie, we'll be okay you don't have to worry this is not my first time babysitting and Chris is a great kid."

"I know but as a parent, I am always going to worry about my kid no matter who is watching him because that's my job."

"That's valid but I can promise you that we will be okay and when you come home there will be brownies here and Chris will already be tucked into bed and asleep. Now go have fun with my idiot brother."

"You know he's not that bad."

"If you say so but we both know the truth." We both smiled as I got out the car. I was excited to go bake with Christopher its been so long since I've actually baked anything. I made sure to lock the door as I entered the house. 

"You ready?" 

"Yep I already got everything out."

"You did? Well, thank you for your help!" 

Third Person POV

While Simone and Christopher were in the kitchen they were being watched. He had no intention of hurting the child but Simone had left him after he told her no. He was going to get her back and he was going to wait until the perfect moment to get her back.  

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