Chapter Seven: Babysitting part 1

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There were a couple more calls during the shift and I ended up finishing Buck's playlist. I didn't have any more anxiety attacks which was good.

"You ready to go Simone?"

"Yeah." I nodded towards my brother as Eddie came over.

"Thank you so much again for doing this. I really appreciate it are you sure you don't want me to pay you?"

"Eddie for the last time. Maybe if this becomes a regular thing in the future I may ask you to pay me but for tonight I don't want you to worry about paying me, like I said earlier just leave us some money to get pizza or something."

"Since you insist. But next time I'm going to pay you no objections."

"You're anticipating a next time already? What if the kid hates me?"

"There is no way Chris would hate you. I already like you." I started smirking.

"You like me Eddie?"

"You know what I meant." I could see his cheeks tinting red against his tan skin.

"Simone, stop flirting with my best friend." Buck was pouting and sounded like a little kid.

"I wasn't flirting big brother. I was just reiterating what he said."

"Can we go now?" Buck seemed to want to end the conversation as soon as possible. I followed him out to his jeep but then he stopped me.

"You're not about to make me walk are you?"
"No I'm not but it makes more sense for you to ride with Eddie back to his place."
"Why does this make more sense?"

"Because I need to go home and get ready and then I'm meeting Eddie at the bar. If you go with him then you'll already be there when he leaves."

"Did you ask Eddie?"

"Simone, why are acting so funny, just go get in his truck he's waiting for you." I looked back and Eddie was sitting in his truck."

"Okay, don't do anything stupid tonight. I better not get a call saying I need to bail you out of jail."

"I'm the big brother here, you don't tell me what to do."

"Whatever you say." I gave him a hug and walked over to Eddie's truck. "Hey, we just have to pick Chris up from school and then we can head back to my place and you guys can order something to eat."

"Sounds like a plan. Mind if I play some music?"

"That's fine do you want to connect to the Bluetooth?"

"Sure." I connected my phone to his truck and found one of my favorites. The first song to play was "Put your head on my shoulders" by Paul Anka.

"Simone, when did this song even come out?"

"It came out in 1959 and it is one of my favorite songs thank you very much. This is my oldies playlist."

"You have a playlist with a bunch of old music?" He looked very shocked at this revelation.

"I do and it is a very good one. I don't get the shock." At some point, the truck stopped and I realized we were in front of a school.

"I'm going to head in and pick him up you can stay here though."

"Okay." I kept listening to the music in the car while I waited for Eddie to return with Chris. I looked up and saw the cutest kid walking towards the car with Eddie. He had light brown hair that was slightly curled at the ends. He appeared to be telling Eddie about something and he had the biggest smile on his face that Eddie was reciprocating. I couldn't help but smile myself hoping that one day I would be able to have a kid of my own with someone who made me happy. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door being opened. I looked back as Eddie was helping Chris into the truck. I watched the two interact and it warmed my heart. I could tell that Eddie was a great father and that he loved Christopher and that Christopher adored his father. As Eddie got back into the driver's seat he looked towards me and then Christopher. "Chris, this is Simone she is Buck's younger sister and she's going to watch you tonight so be on your best behavior."

"I didn't know Buck had another sister." I tensed up for a moment realizing that Buck hadn't told anybody I existed neither had Maddie. I know it wasn't Chris' fault that I was now sad and deep in thought again so I quickly mentally put all of my thoughts and emotions into a box and turned around with a big smile on my face to look at Chris.

"I am the best Buckley and after tonight we will be best friends!"

"I don't know Buck's pretty awesome."

"Yeah I know he is but he can't cook or bake and I can do both." I bopped his nose before turning around and heard him giggling.

"Dad can me and Simone bake something while you're gone tonight?"

"Don't ask me bud, that's up to Simone."

"I don't have a problem with that. What do you have in mind?"

"We have this really good brownie mix at home-"

"Chris if I help you bake something we are going to make it from scratch. I have a pretty good brownie recipe we can try and any of the ingredients you don't have at home we can order."

"I've never made brownies from scratch we're going to have so much fun!"

"Tonight we are going to make the best brownies you've had in your life!"

Third person POV

Eddie watched Simone interact with his son and any doubt or nerves he had about her watching him were long gone. The way they talked was as if they've known each other for years. It's weird for Eddie to see Chris connect so quick with someone. And these weird feelings he has over her are confusing him. He barely knows her yet he feels this overwhelming urge to protect her from ever being hurt again and the thought of that Mike guy hurting her makes his blood boil. He can't deny the connection he feels with her, he never felt this way with Shannon but its scaring him because he just met her and then there's the whole her being his best friend's little sister thing. He decides to push these feelings away and just see what happens as time passes. One thing he is sure of is that he is falling for Simone Buckley fast and hard. 

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