(All credit to my friend Zahra!!) her fanfic

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(Its a little different than what i usually writes but we hope you like it )

Seraphina lay delicately amidst the splendor of her flower-clad chamber, her heart palpitating wildly within her chest. Ever since meeting Atticus Hawthorne, there existed an undeniable connection between them – a magnetic pull towards each other that seemed almost preordained. His presence commanded respect and admiration from others due to his impeccable sense of duty and devout pursuit of justice. But in Seraphina's world, his soul mirrored hers - full of tenderness, gentleness, and vulnerability hidden beneath his stoic exterior.

As she lay upon her bed, gazing at the fading evening light streaming through her window, visions of Hawthorne danced before her. The image of his lips, so soft yet firm when he spoke; his hands, which could be gentle but held strength underneath; all these combined formed the perfect picture of her ideal lover.
A sudden knock interrupted her reverie as Hawthorne stepped inside, his uniform giving off a subtle scent of earthy spice mixed with a hint of leather. "Good evening," he said, offering her a smile.
It was one of those smiles, filled with enough warmth to melt any reserve, leaving no doubt about how much he cared for her wellbeing. "Is everything alright?"
Her cheeks turned crimson, unable to disguise the fact that something had stirred deep within her. Yet, she managed to maintain composure as she answered, "Yes, im alright Atticus."
He approached slowly, his movements controlled, reminiscent of a predator closing in on its prey.
As they stood face to face, the distance between them felt like nothing more than a thin veil, barely separating two souls destined to unite. Taking hold of her hand gently, his fingers intertwining with hers, sent a jolt of electricity coursing through Seraphina's body.
He suddenly embraced her, pulling her into a tight hug that made Seraphina forget about all her anxiety. She pulled him in closer, and for some reason she felt hot tears run down her cheeks. "Sera" he demanded. "Are you really alright?"

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