Chapter 5

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One month later

At Daniels house*

In the kitchen*

Daniel: Marco come down here and do your chores now

Dimarco: coming

Daniel: now

Dimarco: the show is almost over

Daniel: Marco you either come do your chores right now or I'm gonna beat your butt

Dimarco turns off the tv and walks to the kitchen and starts his chores

Daniel: or and I got another call from your teacher

Dimarco: oh really

Daniel: yeah I did

Dimarco: daddy I didn't do anything i swear

Daniel: really

Dimarco: yes

Daniel: we will talk at bedtime

Dimarco: but i didn't do anything

Daniel: what did I just say

Dimarco: are you gonna spank me

Daniel: I thought you said you didn't do anything wrong

Dimarco: I didn't

Daniel: then you have nothing to worry about now do you

Dimarco: no

Daniel: good now finish your chores and then we will talk

Dimarco finished his chores

Dimarco: daddy I'm done

Daniel: okay first close your eyes

Dimarco: daddy

Daniel: man just do it

Dimarco close his eyes and his dad place an apple bag in front of him

Daniel: okay open them

Dimarco open his eyes and it was an apple bag and he look inside and it was the brand new iPhone 15 pro and he started screaming

Daniel: okay calm down my god

Dimarco: thank you so much daddy

Daniel: your welcome you will get the rest of your presents next Friday at your birthday party

Dimarco: wait I can have a party

Daniel: of course you can

Dimarco: so I'm not in trouble

Daniel: do you want to be in trouble

Dimarco: no daddy can I go at up my new iPhone

Daniel: wait I'm not done

Dimarco: okay

Daniel: your teacher did call me unfortunately your teacher thinks you need to get tested

Dimarco: what am I retarted

Daniel: no don't you ever say that

Dimarco: sorry

Daniel: I think you should go back on your medication

Dimarco: no daddy I'm doing so well

Daniel: your ADHD is getting worse

Dimarco: but

Daniel: your teacher says you keep getting out of your seat and distributing her classrom

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