chapter 20

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At daniels house*

In daniel's room*

Dimarco alarm goes off and Daniel wakes up and see his sons phone on his pillow and laughs and gets up and goes over to his son and sees knocked out so he grabs a throw blanket and kiss him on his forehead and Daniel put on his slippers and head downstairs to make dinner

In the kitchen*

Mason: buddy

Daniel: yeah

Mason: I finished the dishes and I cleaned my room

Daniel: good

Mason: oh my friend is having a party can I go

Daniel: I don’t know

Mason: buddy I’m taking my medication and I will be back by midnight please

Daniel: okay but if you drink you have to call me to come pick you up

Mason: buddy I’m not gonna drink

Daniel: Mason I just woke up from a good nap and in a good mood please don’t ruin it by lying to me

Mason: okay fine I’ll call you

Daniel: what time is this party

Mason: it’s actually at 10:00

Daniel: okay I want you in this house by midnight not a second longer do you understand me

Mason: yes

Daniel: and don’t be blasting any music because Dimarco is upstairs taking a nap

Mason: I thought he was watching tv

Daniel: he was and then he fell asleep

Mason: okay so are you gonna make dean pay for what he did to you

Daniel: no I'm being the bigger person and stop eating those

Mason: what I'm hungry

Daniel: okay but if Dimarco see you eating those it's your ass

Mason: what are they anyways

Daniel: they are dog treats for dash

Mason splits the treats out of his mouth and Daniel starts laughing

Daniel: next time read the sign

Mason: why does he have them on the kitchen counter

Daniel: well he don't want to put them somewhere dash can get them

Mason: where is dash

Daniel: upstairs in Dimarcos room sleeping

Mason: ohh

Daniel: and if your hungry there are snacks in the snack closet why don't you get something for in there

Mason: so what are you cooking

Daniel: bake chicken with rice and beans and cabbage

Mason: ooh sounds good

Daniel: yeah okay can you pass me the pan

Mason: where is it

Daniel behind you

Mason: ohh here

Daniel: thanks

Mason: your welcome

Daniel: so what are you gonna do for your 17 birthday

Mason: I don't know go clubbing

Daniel: over my dead body

Mason: come on

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