chapter 17

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At Nina's house*

3 hours later

In the living room*

Nina: Marco turn the TV down please

Dimarco: okay

Nina: you watched enough TV why don't you go outside and play

Dimarco: mommy I don't want to

Nina: Dimarco did I ask you what you want

Dimarco: yes

Nina: you getting fresh with me boy

Dimarco: no

Nina: don't get smacked you hear

Dimarco: yes mommy

Nina: okay go outside and play

Dimarco: yes mommy

Nina: I'll call you inside when dinner is ready

Dimarco: okay

Nina: have fun and behave yourself

Dimarco puts on his shoes and jacket

Nina: Marco did you hear what I said

Dimarco: yes mommy

Nina: alright go on

Dimarco goes outside and close the door and sits on the steps and a girl walks up to the gate

Grace: why do you look sad

Dimarco: I don't look sad

Grace: yes you do

Dimarco: I don't

Grace: okay you wanna go to the park with me

Dimarco: my daddy says never go with a stranger

Grace: well I'm not a stranger I'm grace

Dimarco: Dimarco

Grace: are you Spanish

Dimarco: no Dominican

Grace: oh I'm sorry for assuming

Dimarco: it's okay I get that alot

Grace: so do you wanna go to the park

Dimarco: I have to ask my mom I'll be right back

Grace: okay

Dimarco gets up and runs in the house

Dimarco: mommy

Nina: what didn't I tell you to play outside

Dimarco: I wanna go to the park

Nina: no stay in the front yard

Dimarco: please I will have my phone on me and I'll be back before dark I promise

Nina: I said no

Dimarco: please

Nina: you want a spanking

Dimarco: no ma'am

Nina: go away and stay in the front or your ass will come inside and get your butt spanked now go

Dimarco goes back outside and see grace

Grace: you ready

Dimarco: she said no

Grace: why

Dimarco: she's being mean

Grace: okay well do you want to play tag

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