Chapter 13

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At Daniel's house*

Vince: can I come in

Dimarco: daddy who is it

Daniel: baby go upstairs

Dimarco: but I

Daniel: NOW

Dimarco: why you being so mean to me

Daniel: I said go

Dimarco starts crying and runs upstairs and slams his door

Vince: you shouldn't talk to him like that

Daniel: you shouldn't be giving me parenting advice when you put my brother in a fucking coma and you killed my fucking mother

Vince: look can I come in

Daniel: no I don't want you around my son

Vince: five minutes please

Daniel: four minutes come in

Vince walks in his sons life

Daniel: how was prison

Vince: how's your brother

Daniel: Mason is fine

Vince: right

Daniel: pop what do you want

Vince: you always called me daddy what happened to that

Daniel: you killed my mother and you nearly killed my little brother so pop what do you want

Vince: it's been thirteen years since I've seen you and your brother

Dimarco runs downstairs

Vince: is that my grandson

Dimarco: daddy who's that

Daniel: sadly your grandfather

Dimarco: your a criminal

Daniel: baby have respect even if I don't

Dimarco: yes daddy

Vince: what's your name

Dimarco: Dimarco

Vince: wow what a beautiful name

Dimarco: thank you your old

Daniel: Dimarco go watch cartoons and stop crying

Dimarco: okay

Daniel: what do you want

Dimarco: daddy my new school have cubbies like I do at home

Daniel: I need to throw that away you are too old for that now

Dimarco: and we go on trips every Friday if we are good

Daniel: daddy is talking go play

Dimarco: can I go outside and play ball

Daniel: stay inside the gate

Dimarco: okay

Daniel: put on your coat it's cold out

Dimarco: okay

Daniel: okay pop what do you want

Dimarco puts on his coat and his shoes and goes outside and play basketball

Knock, knock

Daniel opens the door

Kayla: where the hell is he

Nina: mom just calm down

Daniel: Nina what's going on

Kayla: tell him what Dimarco did

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