Chapter 9

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At McDonald's*

Dimarco: daddy

Daniel: go to sleep

Dimarco: okay

Daniel: you have an hour left

Dimarco: can I sleep at home

Daniel: Dimarco are you gonna sleep at home

Dimarco: yes daddy I am

Daniel: okay

Dean pulls up to the McDonald's driveway

Daniel: you can get me what your getting when I get home I'm going to sleep I'm exhausted

Dean: you want me to drop you guys off and go

Daniel: no you can stay until after dinner time and then I will let you go

McDonald's person: welcome to McDonald's what can I get for you today

Dean: yes hi can I have a cheeseburger with chicken nuggets and fries and one large orange soda and can I have 20 chicken nuggets with fries 2 Big Macs and a 2 large Frappuccinos

McDonald's person: is that it

Dean: Dimarco you want anything else

Dimarco: can I get a chocolate chip cookie

Dean: a chocolate chip cookie

Dimarco: thank you Dean

Dean: your welcome

Daniel: Dimarco stop kicking my seat

Dimarco: sorry daddy

Daniel: okay

McDonald's person: is that all you can drive to the next window

Dean: okay

Daniel: Dimarco you want me to smack you

Dimarco: NOO daddy

Daniel: then stop

Dimarco: okay

McDonald's person: here is your drinks

Dean takes Dimarco drink and pass it to him with the straw

Dimarco: thank you

Dean: your welcome

Daniel: monkey don't drink all of it at once

Dean grabs his and Daniel's drink and then grabs the food and pay

McDonald's person: here you go and have a nice day

Dean: you too

Daniel: thanks

Dean: no problem

Dimarco: my food

Daniel: here Dimarco when you eat you need to slow down

Dimarco ignores his dad and his dad reach back and take his phone

Dimarco: no daddy give it back

Daniel: did you hear me

Dimarco: yes

Daniel: you will get it back when we go home

Dimarco: no daddy it's mine

Daniel: eat your food

Dimarco: no I want my phone

Daniel: Dimarco you want me to keep it

Dimarco: no daddy

Daniel: then eat your food babe what time do you start work

Dean: um 8 o'clock

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