-59 || wonwoo-

162 7 2

"Are you ready?" Wonwoo asked Junhui as they stood in the foyer of the chapel. 

"Hell no, but hell yes at the same time?" Junhui's eyes were wide, like his life was flashing before his eyes at this very moment. "I've been waiting for this for years, Wonwoo. Can you imagine? I'll be a married man soon."

Wonwoo shook his head. "We're all growing up," he said. "It's crazy to me how we've all come this far."

The other male jabbed him in the side. "Yeah, like how Mr. No Love For Me is actually dating one of the hottest models out there now. You're doing it willingly too. Nobody's even telling you to date him anymore."

"I thought we got past this a long time ago."

"Oh, come oonnnn. You guys were separated for two years. Honestly, Seokmin and I had a bet going on whether or not you'd use that as an excuse to end things with Mingyu."

Wonwoo opened his mouth to respond when the music began to play and Soonyoung stepped into the foyer.  Wonwoo's mouth snapped shut, but he wasn't about to forget this conversation anytime soon. Junhui would be hearing an earful from him at their reception. 

"Are you guys ready?" Soonyoung asked. 

After suit adjustments, the other two nodded. 

"Awesome." He clasped his hands together, then he motioned to Wonwoo. The two then proceeded to open the doors on cue. Junhui took the deepest breath he'd probably ever taken in his life then stepped forward. Wonwoo watched his best friend move one foot after the other down the aisle as he got closer to Minghao. 

Wonwoo moved his gaze from Junhui's feet and was met with Mingyu's eyes. It occurred to him then that not only was Junhui walking down the aisle towards the love of his life, Wonwoo was too, and he wasn't even getting married yet. 

The corner of Mingyu's mouth lifted into a small grin. It grew as they finally reached the altar. Soonyoung and Mingyu stood with all the other groomsmen. Junhui took his place in front of Minghao. 

Minghao wore a black suit while Junhui wore a white one. They contrasted each other, but it wasn't hard to see how perfect they were for each other, regardless of their differences. 

Wonwoo glanced at his own soulmate as the vows started. He and Mingyu started out so different yet seeing where they stood now, he wouldn't be surprised if they were in Junhui's and Minghao's places soon. Not that Mingyu's going to propose or anything . . . Or is Wonwoo supposed to propose? Wonwoo blinked that thought away real quick. He wasn't expecting a proposal--or marriage, for that matter--anytime soon, and he was fine with that. 

Mingyu looked over at him. Sometimes, Wonwoo wished he couldn't read lips, but it also surprised him when it seemed like his soulmate could read his mind. 

That could be us soon, Mingyu mouthed. 

After giving the other male a smile, the blushing Wonwoo turned his attention back to the soon-to-be-married couple. Yeah maybe, he thought


He didn't know where they were going.  Mingyu was holding his hand, dragging him to God knows where. "I have something to show you," the taller male had said, and without waiting for a response, he grabbed Wonwoo's hand and started walking. 

For some reason, Junhui and Minghao were having their reception at the school. I mean, that's where they ultimately met, but still, a school? Even so, it's not like Wonwoo knew every single little place around or in the school, nor did he know every single person that was invited to the party. Afterall, they were wandering down hallways Wonwoo didn't even know existed. Secretly, he hoped Mingyu was trying to find a place where they could make out. 

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