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His tiny hands come together, performing the jutsu with ease. The ground ripples with his energy, causing little Obito to nearly fall in front of his best friend and crush, Rin Nohara. The both of them are at a youngster's ninjutsu contest, where the winner will receive a crystal kunai that Obito hopes he can win for Rin, winning over her heart as well.

Kakashi undoes the jutsu, giving everyone some time to recover from the bizarre effect that the jutsu tends to leave on people. Obito huffs and crosses his arms, but notices that Kakashi is watching him with a smug look on his smug face, as though taunting the raven that he lost the grand prize.

Both 5 years steady themselves on each other's shoulders, giggling as they almost fall into each other despite the ground being normal. Obito holds onto Rin for a minute as the ground continues to not support his feet. He stands up normally and manages to stutter out an apology, but he doesn't get the chance.

Kakashi performs the jutsu again, laughing playfully as the judges loose their footing from the sudden movement and fall to the ground. His laughter sounds like windchimes, soft and delicate, heard only in rare moments when the wind blows the right direction.

But something quite different happens as he watches Kakashi perform his jutsu. Maybe it's his tiny hands, maybe it's that laugh, maybe it's that gray hair that flops over his eyes, maybe it's those beautiful onyx eyes that Obito desperately wishes to see, and maybe it's the mystery of what's behind that mask.

Suddenly, his heart sees Rin as no more than a friend. His best friend, no doubt, but just a friend. The crystal kunai seems to glint in its case even more, as though telling Obito that he's already lost it. He won't be able to give it to Kakashi. Heck, he lost his chance to give it to Rin. Besides, he's just being stupid. There's no way he's falling in love with a boy.

It's not possible.

Is it?

Kakashi Rizz Series: ObikakaWhere stories live. Discover now