Chapter 7: Soft Shockwaves

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Obito POV

I kissed Kakashi

I shouldn't have done that

I kissed Kakashi

I shouldn't have done that

I kissed him though...

I curl up into a ball in the alleyway, my body flaming with the blood rapidly pumping throughout my system. Kakashi's ninken disappeared a while back, leaving me bloody and my visors snapped in half. Bursts of pain bloom across my body, and despite applying pressure to the wounds, like Rin had taught me.

Blood pours down my cheeks, leaving my jacket red and hands sticky when I try to wipe it away. I kick the visors in frustration, wincing when I feel small rocks dig into my knee. The dogs really did a number on me, I suppose.

I manage to get up and clutch the wall, gritting my teeth in pain. Walking is hard, but I use the wall to support me, and I focus my chakra on the open wounds, healing them slowly. I hobble through the village.

Not many people are awake at this hour, mostly at home or checking out the nearest restaurants. I'm starving, but I need to get to Rin's before I get seriously hurt.

I manage to make it and knock on the door. Rin opens it, her eyes wide as she yanks me inside and slams the door. I get led to her room and she closes the door softly, using some rope to tie it closed, "What happened?!"

"I did it..."

"Did-" she realizes, "Are you crazy?!

I smile sheepishly, "Yeah..."

She just sighs and gets to work, pressing alcohol to the wounds, bandaging up my arms, and stitching up the wounds on my head. I stay still to the best of my ability, wincing as she tugs the last stitch into place. She hands me a wet cloth and pressed her hand to my face, healing the small cuts and bruises.

"I'm sorry, Rin."

"For what?"

"I did the dumbest shit ever, and now I'm 100% sure Kakashi hates me even more than he already did, and now I'm gonna lose him even more-"

Rin cuts me off with a hug, and I hug her tight, sobbing, "I fucked up, big time, Rin."

She pats my back, chuckling, "It's going to be fine. Tomorrow is always a new beginning. I know Kakashi has a good memory, but he's going to be too focused on improving that he's probably going to forget this incident soon."

"I'm still scared."

"Don't be."


Rin watches me with a piteous look on her face, going into the hallway and asking her parents if I can stay over. Of course, they say yes, and so they set us up a place in the courtyard, under the stars.

A little stray dog trots up to us, and I feed it the rest o my food. It curls up with me, licking my face while Rin tries to get it off me. 

I look up at the stars, finding constellations and pointing them out to Rin. She tries herself, and ends up making a few herself. I watch as she bursts into laughter, pointing out the funniest shapes.

I look up and notice two twinkling stars. They shine, just like what I saw in Kakashi's eyes today. Even though he struggled, he enjoyed it. I could feel him melting into my arms, but it was the panic that overrode his consciousness

Somehow, that didn't make me feel better.

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