Chapter 2: Cold Winter Wind

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Obito POV

Cute boys shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Especially cute boys with gray hair and black eyes that look like they could stare into your very soul.

ESPECIALLY cute boys that were placed in your own team even with your continued wishes that he WOULDN'T end up on your team because it was guaranteed to distract you.

Because HE was distracting you.

I shoot a look over to the kid, who's maneuvering his tiny sword around, his forehead sticky with sweat from hours of training. His pants can be heard from behind that mask of his, which I long to rip off so I can see what's underneath it.

I fiddle with the weapon pouch on my legs, absentmindedly taking out a kunai and attempting to hit a target Minato-Sensei had set up for us. The kunai goes SO off target, and I hear a yelp in the trees. Minato Sensei appears a moment later, my kunai in his hand, "You almost hit Rin, Obito."

"Are you just assuming I threw the kunai Minato Sensei?"

Minato Sensei side-eyes Kakashi, who throws a kunai with lightning speed, which hits the center of the target dead-on, leaving me to look down and pout, grimacing.

Sensei watches me with an amused face, tossing my kunai back, which I manage to catch. I tuck it in the weapons pouch. Rin follows behind Minato Sensei, a small cut on her face. I rush over to her, checking her, "I'm so sorry Rin!"

She giggles, leaning in to whisper to me, "You got distracted by a certain someone, eh, Obi?"

I blush, "Was it that obvious?!"

Rin chuckles and counts off her fingers, "Getting distracted, obvious blush when you see him, spacing out, and I've noticed you've been... gone a lot more often during training sessions."

I blush intensely, "Really?!"

She chuckles, her face turning pink from her laughter, "You really are an idiot sometimes Obi..."

I hide my face in my hands to hide my blushing, "It's not my fault! I kept wishing that he wouldn't be on our team and yet here he is! He's distracting me so much!"

She sighs and chuckles, "You know what? I'm going to help you snatch him."

My eyes light up in excitement, "Really?!"

Rin smiles, "I like him too, but I'm willing to leave him alone if you want him. You always come first for me Obito."

I notice a falter in her words. She's telling the truth. She's willing to help me get Kakashi, and she's willing to sacrifice her love for him to help me. Tears prick my eyes, and I wrap her into a hug, "Thank you, Rin."

She chuckles and hugs me back, "Don't you dare start crying right now..."

I start to cry anyway, "I-i feel bad... m-making you g-give up a crush you've had f-for me... i-it means a l-lot.

She smiles, "I don't know if I like Kakashi that much anyway."


She seems uncomfortable, "Obito?"


Kakashi Rizz Series: ObikakaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora