Chapter 4: Dark Blue Hyacinths - Obito POV

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I slam Kakashi onto the alley wall, breathing heavily and rubbing the blood off my face. Kakashi might be small, but he sure can fight.

His eyes widen when he sees me, and I smile and wave sheepishly. My heart is pounding uncontrollably, and I hold his arms above his head, watching him underneath me.

He struggles to escape, and I quickly place a seal on him, making sure he can't use any chakra while the seal is placed on him. My grandma taught me to do it, and she told me to use it only when needed. I never thought I'd use it on my crush though...

Kakashi stares at me with wide eyes, thrashing around in my grip but unable to escape because of the seal. His body convulses as the seal burns onto his skin, etching dark marks onto that fair skin.

He slumps down, his chakra seeped from him by the seal. Just before he can faint, I hold his body to the wall, making sure he doesn't fall.

He musters his weakest snarl, to which I respond with my own, looping one of his arms over my shoulder to keep him from falling. His eyes have lost their shining quality, weak and dark with no visible emotion.

"What the actual FUCK, Obito?!" he swears, still trying to thrash around and attack. He's too weak to throw actual punches right now, so dodging them is a breeze. A scowl etches onto his face as he tries to grab me, but can't.

I pin him to the wall in a fit of anger as he keeps trying to fight me, "STOP MOVING DAMN IT!"

He freezes when I shout, not used to me raising my voice at all. I pause too. What's going on? I never yell at people, much less my friends. I almost let him go, but looking at him, so weak, I keep him pinned there.

"What do you want?" he asks, panting heavily. His wispy bangs stick to his face, and his face is all red from the struggling. He's not scared though. That's what's frustrating me.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I ask, tightening my grip.

He winces, but stays strong, "Why the fuck should I care? You mean nothing to me! You're just a hurdle in my way of becoming the greatest Shinobi I can be! You're nothing but a nuisance!"

"The fuck are you talking about?"

He struggles again, " I don't know who the fuck you are, but leave me the fuck alone!"

"I'm Obito."

"You're lying! Obito's not this powerful! He's just a huge pain in the ass who can't even perform basic ninjutsu properly! Considering the greatness of the Uchiha Clan, I think he's just a massive disgrace to the name altogether!"

I pause, and then let him go. He was right. I was a useless Shinobi, I wasn't even on his level when it came to ninjutsu.

"Is that really what you think of me?" I ask softly, keeping his wrists in my grip, "A nuisance."

By this point, Kakashi has noticed that it is actually me. Whatever angry emotions were etched on his face are gone now, replaced with actual worry, "Obi...?"

"Do you think of me as a nuisance, Kakashi?"

He shakes his head frantically, "N-no! I-it just slipped out O-obito, I promise!"

With a smirk, I get closer to him and lower his mask, revealing that beautiful face underneath. Before I can chicken out and leave him, I stamp a kiss right on his lips.

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