Chapter 6: Wearily Worrisome - Minato

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I never thought I'd see the day when Kakashi would accept my offer and come over to stay the night. His bags are packed in a neat little bundle, and he waves meekly when I open the door.

I watch him for a moment, then ask, "Everything ok?"

Before the poor kid can say anything, he hugs me tight, and I do so as well. Clearly everything he's been bottling up for the past few years is finally breaking free of those damn walls he keeps them behind. I don't think he notices himself, but his body shakes with sobs.

"Shh, everything's gonna be ok..."

"I-i want i-it to..."

I usher him inside, and watch the squabble between him and Kushina before Kushina brings out the slipper, and I step in between them, nervously tucking the shoe away.

Kushina's mood does a complete 180, and she gives Kakashi a hug, doing her cute little walk around the apartment, "Anyone hungry?"

Kakashi's eyes light up, "Me!"

He hops around, and I have to hang him outside the window by his ankles to make sure it's the right Kakashi. He squirms a bit before using a Substitution Jutsu and escaping, but nonetheless frees himself. I have never, I repeat, NEVER seen him this relaxed. 

After Sakumo had died, Kakashi had become almost completely withdrawn, focusing on his techniques and training. But today, all of that seemed broken, and he was enjoying himself, just like a little kid should.

His eyes sparkle with excitement as he hops around Kushina, "Miso soup, miso soup!"

She laughs her tinkling little laugh, "Ok, ok! Calm down!"

She lightly smacks his head with her wooden spoon, turning back to the stove in an attempt to cook, while Kakashi wriggles under her arm and gets a bit too close to the flames. She keeps him away though. 

"Can I summon my ninken, Minato Sensei?" he asks. 

I know he's probably feeling a bit bored, so I allow him, as long as he can keep them in control. However, he seems to have grown his arsenal of dogs since the last time I've seen them, and all of a sudden, there's 8 full-grown dogs around Kakashi, licking his face and keeping him pinned down.

He laughs, and then points over to me. I'm familiar with the ninken, and the bound over to me, peppering me with kisses and begging for pets. Kakashi introduces me to the new ones and lets me get accustomed to them, while Kushina bangs the pot in the kitchen, "Dinner's ready!"

She peeks into the living room and sees Kakashi and I playing with the ninken, and throws her slipper at me, "You should've told me I should've made more food, Minato!"

She does end up making more food, meatballs, for the ninken. They eat them up gratefully, crowding around her when she sits on the sofa, sniffing her belly and resting their head on it.

Pakkun is in my lap, enjoying the scratches behind his ears, "When's the baby due?"

Crap... I forgot to tell the three...

"October 10..."

Kakashi crawls up to me, "But that's soon!"

"You're 14, right, Kakashi?"


I smile. It seemed like yesterday he was only a kid, scowling like an angry little dog, and now here he was. I swear I didn't notice his growth though...

Even though they all still acted like their 6-year old selves, it was still a cute sight to see, considering we nearly lost 2/3's of our team not too far back. We had gotten Rin the medical help she needed, and after proving his strength by breaking a whole boulder, Obito had needed no more than a few stitches.

I drop onto the sofa and put Kushina's book over my face, breathing in the rich smell of the book and the faint aroma of Kushina's hands. I lift it off my face, scanning a few of the lines. The words, "Naruto had had enough. He was going to fling someone off a cliff, or himself."

It's the "Tale of a Gutsy Ninja." Kushina really seemed to like the book, pestering me to ask Jiraiya Sensei if we could name our son "Naruto" after the main character. I wasn't really sure about that. The character was really reckless and pretty stupid, getting into trouble a lot. He also was really arrogant, but soft and kind-hearted. 

"But Mikoto is naming her son after the father of the Third Hokage! Why can't I name my son after a Great Shinobi's creativity?" She had whined, and I couldn't say no to her sweet little face. She was my darling wife, after all.

Kakashi Rizz Series: ObikakaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz