Chapter 3: Light Pink Blossoms - Kakashi's POV

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I notice Obito seems a lot more... distant... for a while, and it's beginning to worry me. At first, I dismissed it as idiocy or simple stupidity, but he's been missing a lot more often these days.

That feral look in his eyes has not left my mind, and I ponder on it. Could it have been a trick of the light? A simple illusion? The pain that was still ringing through my ears?

I shake it off and sigh as he reappears, scowling at me. He watches me for a minute and then turns away, red and angry.

I turn to Rin, "Is everything okay with Obito?"

She shrugs and presses her hand to my cheek, healing the cut on my cheek from Minato Sensei's relentless attacks. Her fingers trail down my face, stopping just short of my mouth, and she lifts her hand away, the cut almost gone.

I groan and flop down onto the grass, letting my hand crackle with electricity. I place my hand on myself, letting myself be tickled a bit before increasing the power, shocking myself and pulling me out of whatever mysterious slump I'm in.

Minato Sensei returns with a basket, placing it before the three of us, "Kushina made lunch. She was a bit tired so she told me earlier this morning to come and pick it up at noon for the three of you to enjoy."

I peek into the basket, and find some sandwiches, onigiri, dango, and some fruits. I reach in and pull out an onigiri, turning away and pulling down my mask to eat it.

Before I can take a bite though, I notice Obito sitting in front of me with a wicked grin on his face, and I remember my mask is off. Before I can yank it back up, Obito grabs my hands and pins them to my sides, panting softly like a dog.

His expression is one of glee and triumph as he tries to turn me around to face Minato Sensei and Rin, but I struggle adamantly until I can free one of my hands and pull my mask up, using a quick jutsu and slipping out of his grasp.

Minato Sensei and Rin luckily don't notice anything, both of them are just reviewing what we learned today. I quickly scarf down the onigiri and pull my mask back up, and I find Obito scowling at me, his face red with anger.

I snicker and it turns into a laugh, but I quickly pass it off as a cough and go back to Sensei and Rin, leaving Obito standing there, furious.

The rest of the afternoon is uneventful, with Obito messing up as usual and Rin healing him, and Minato Sensei joking that Obito should just drop being a ninja and do something else, and Obito getting mad and slightly lashing out.

He shakes it off and leaves, and I don't think he's going to be coming back until tomorrow. Minato Sensei shakes it off and dismisses me and Rin, again asking if I'd like to stay with him and Kushina for the night.

I deny his offer, as usual. I have better things to do, and I can't just piggyback off him just because there's no one else to take care of me.

I'm a bit tired, so I decide to take the shortcut home. My guard is raised as the sun dips below the horizon, engulfing Konoha in a twinkling dark.

I lower my guard once my house is just around the corner, and then, I feel something grab my arm and yank me into the darkness.

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