A Man Made of Strings

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Deep within the winding wood,

A little house there in it stood,

Within the shelter that it gives,

A man of strings there in it lives.

A living man, made of living strings,

Always sewing all kids of things,

A master seamster, yes he is,

A simple creature, a simple life is his.

It was his dream to make his simple living

By sewing, sewing, sewing, sewing,

Nifty little clothes and toys

For all the little girls and boys.

So he packed his greatest creations

Unto a wooden cart,

And headed into town

To sell his works of art.

But as he set up shop,

Nobody cared to stop.

He stood there all day

Until the evening shade,

But nobody came

To see the work he had made,

Indeed the people were all too afraid.

"But why?" He sighed,

Do they scream and cry?

Why are they afraid of strings?

Are not their clothes made of such things?"

He sadly packed up his cart

And went back to his home,

 In the solemn silence 

He pondered alone.

Until that silence was broken 

By a knocker on his door who knockingly went,

He opened it to find

A strange sort of gent.

It was a mechanical man made of scissors,

He said his name was Skizzors,

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