A Warm Bear Hug

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Stringthing felt especially sad and alone

Late one night in his lifeless home,

He sat on his desk and pondered without end

All the restless thoughts getting tangled in his head.

But something caught his eye

When he glanced at his trash bin,

On a crumpled piece of paper

His teddy bear drawing stared wantingly towards him.

He pulled it out of the trash

And uncrumpled the paper in his stringy hands,

He stared at it a while and settled in his mind,

Tonight was the night he'd bring it to life.

But while digging through his house

For all his sewing things,

He quickly found something out,

He was all out of strings!

He looked through his cabinets and shelves

And inside of every drawer,

He looked under his table and desk

But couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Oh no." He said to himself out loud,

"I'm in no mood to go shopping anyhow,

Where in the world do I find strings now?"

Then he looked down at his hands and remembered something,

He was made completely of string!

Sewing out of his own strings never crossed his mind as a thought,

But with nothing else at hand, well, why not?

He gathered stuffings and fluffings

And few a surprise,

A jar of shark teeth, a jar of snake eyes,

He put them at his desk and with great careful care,

He crafted quite the monstrous teddy bear.

StringthingWhere stories live. Discover now