A Spider on the Wall

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Late that night

In the evening gloom,

Ragz got to sleep

In Stringthing's spare bedroom.

But neither of them that night

Could sleep very well,

For Ragz in her fright

Would constantly yell.

Whenever Stringthing would come in

To check on the doll,

She'd always tell him,

"I think I saw a spider on the wall!"

"There are no spiders here."

He'd say slightly annoyed unto his dolly dear,

"Now go back to bed,

There's nothing to fear."

But his words did little to tame

As still the screams came,

All through the night

The routine continued the same.

At last after many a dream

Broken by many a scream,

He came into her room

The next time she screamed with a scare,

Holding in his stringy hand

His beloved teddy bear.

"I have something for you."

He said to the doll with care,

"Oh Stringy," she said,

"You're giving me your bear?"

"Hugz used to sleep with me,

That is, before you came along,

But we talked it over and,

We'd like it if he were your bear from now on.

Right now it certainly seems it's true,

You need a Hugz more than I do."

As on the bed he placed him down,

The bear began to dance around:

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