A Broken Heart

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Hard at work

Was the man made of strings,

All the day long

Sewing his things.

But what once a job

Done in silence and peace,

Could in that way no longer be,

For the shouts of his creatures never would cease.

The pillows were fighting,

The clothes were dancing,

In no way delighting

Was the chaos entrancing.

All the stuffed animals

To and fro ran

In circles and circles

'Round the poor stringy man.

Ragz threw her bear

Repeatedly up into the air,

And the sound of Hugz happy squealing

Left Stringthing wholly reeling.

But in fear that he may fall,

The bear asked unto the doll,

"What if you throw me through the roof?

What if you throw me to the moon?

What if you throw me so high

You won't be seeing me anytime soon?"

"I'll always catch you if I do."

Said the doll unto the bear,

And continued to toss him

High into the air.

Stringthing ceased from his work

To look up at his dolly dear,

"She'll never love me."

He mumbled too softly for anyone to hear.

"She's always so carefree and happy,

I'm always so depressingly sad,

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