A Perfect Party

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The next day Ragz couldn't help but notice

All the stray black strings on the floor,

So she asked her teddy bear, Hugz,

"What are all these strings doing on the ground for?"

"Human hair falls out whenever they're stressed,"

The bear confessed,

"With Stringthing, It's his threads."

"That sounds terrible!"

Ragz loudly screamed,

He's always stressed,

How is he still in one piece?"

"It's okay, it always grows back,"

The bear conversed,

"As long as it doesn't all fall out at once, 

Of course."

"He sheds a lot."

Said the slithering scarf snake,

Whom Ragz was wearing around her neck,

"I'm surprised he still is in one piece.


Come to think of it,

I haven't seen him all day..."

"Oh," Ragz worriedly sighed,

She couldn't take it anymore,

She approached Stringthing's room

And knocked on his door.

When there was no answer

She opened it right away,

And found Stringthing sitting 

In front of his fireplace.

A few of his stuffed animals 

We're right by his side,

The floor was littered

With empty cans of detangling spray,

And piles of once living string that now had died.

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