A Bedtime Story

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"Welcome to our home!"

All the creatures cheered,

As they gathered around Ragz,

Ecstatic she was here.

"Since you're new,

You should pick the bedtime story tonight!"

They exclaimed to the doll

And led her to the bookshelf with delight.


Ragz mused to herself 

As she examined the vast selection 

Of stories on the shelf.

"How about this one?"

An old weathered notebook 

Was the one she picked out,

But when Stringthing saw it

He started to pout,

"Of all the stories you could choose

How did you choose mine?"

"I thought you didn't have a story?"

Ragz curiously replied.

"Not one I want to remember,

Let alone recite."

He grumbled to the doll,

Not looking in her blue button eye.

"But," he softened his tone

When he glanced at her worried face,

"It is  your first night here

And you should have a say.

May I?" He asked for the book

And gently leafed through its pages,

"Wow," he muttered to himself,

"I haven't seen his handwriting in ages...

Gather around,"

He said out loud to the crowd,

"At last I'll tell you a tale, my friends,

Of how I came about:

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