Who Am I?

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When Skizzors saw the house

Filled with many a fabric-y beast,

He wasn't at all pleased

To say the very least.

"My, what is all of this,

You've been busy haven't you?"

Skizzors asked unto him

With a face of utter gloom.

"Look at all of these monsters,

Why waste your good string?

You know I can't stand 

For this kind of thing.

Just look at this bear,

Such evil red eyes,

Such murderous teeth,

Whatever possessed you to make such a thing?

And what is your obsession 

With scary things anyway?

You're certainly no better

Than the monsters you create."

Hearing Skizzors accusations 

By stone-cold means,

Stringthing's heart

Suddenly tore apart at the seams.

His hollow eyes full of tears,

Not able to stand it anymore,

With sadness and fear

He ran out the door.

Ragz ran after,

And all of his creatures followed behind,

But the man made of strings 

Nobody could find.

Until Ragz looked on the ground

And found a trail of dead strings,

Which had quickly fallen out

From thinking stressful things.

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