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" GIVE UP HUMAN ITS TOO LATE " I was on the other end of the battle field, yelling at my arch nemesis,  she was the princess of a human kingdom that I've been battling with for some time now. We fight every two days and neither of us wins. But today was different. I stood with my army behind me and there was many more humans on her side. She stood with her fiery crimson hair blowing in the piercing winds and looked upon me with a stern expression. I could tell she was faking it from over here. She's terrified of me.

I couldn't remember the first time we met or even why we were fighting but it didn't matter. I was going to win this war one way or the other. I clutched at my bow and suddenly she held up her hand and thousands of soldiers lit their arrows on fire while aiming at me. Someone came prepared. I walked forward with my army while they relentlessly shot at us. Luckily we were all wearing templates so none of them penetrated our chests, they were more like splinters to us anyways.

I looked down and considered grabbing her while the rest of her cowardly army fled and screamed as my soldiers were about to squish them. I held my hand up as I didn't really like to deal with dead bodies underfoot. I crouched down to one knee like one would do to propose and I trapped her with my cupped hands. I lifted her up and I could feel her shaking. I always knew she was terrified of me. She made it obvious but put in some brave facade. Now how do I deal with her.

She dug around in her pocket for something and pulled out what looked like a shard of glass. She then stabbed it into me and I cringed then dropped her. Awaiting soldiers below caught her and she ran. I was about to chase after her to hopefully break her arm or something when I heard a horn. The danger horn. My father only had someone blow it if there was trouble. I disregarded the glass, wait no I think it's a blade, and I ran home. It took me ages to get there but I made it. I ran through all the shops and the town square and made it to my castle.

I practically flew up the stair case as I was going so fast. My castle was huge so I almost got lost myself. Luckily I knew my way around. I burst into my fathers room and saw him on his bed looking frail with my mother next to him holding his hand.

" FATHER WHAT HAPPENED " I rushed over and sat by his side, holding his pale left hand.

" my son. I have something for you " he coughed this out and handed me a letter with a wax seal. He looked so old and weak how could he eve-

" now hop along kid I don't have all day" he suddenly sat up and yawned. He scratched the back of his neck and was energetic. WHY DID HE ACT OLD. HE ONLY DOES THAT TO ME WHEN HE KNOWS ITS SOMETHING I WONT LIKE.

I took the letter to my room, I had my eye on it the whole time. I unlocked my room with the key I had round my neck and went inside. It probably wasn't that important, I chucked it on my bedside table and got changed. It was already getting dark so I may as well go to sleep.

I took off my top and winced as the sleeve jolted the blade in my wrist. It hurt but not that bad. I sat down at my desk before doing anything else and lit a candle so I could see anything. I simply dove into my drawers and pulled out a box. This box was made from velvet and was crimson like her hair so that's how I remembered what it looked like. I dropped a bow she left behind in there and had completely forgotten about the blade.

All the things she had dropped or used against me in battle was in there. When she did flee or times like that where she makes me drop her, she would always leave something behind like a bracelet or a part of her dress or even a whole bow. I would collect them for some reason. It was a little habit. I placed the box back into the drawer.

I got into bed and almost fell asleep when I realised I hadn't opened the letter. I was appalled by what was inside. 'Arranged marriage' NO WAY IM BEING FORCED TO MARRY SOMEONE.

" CURSE YOU OLD MAN " I opened my door and yelled this down. Soon enough I heard a reoccurring echo.

" YOU BETTER ACCEPT ZEIK " his voice boomed down the hallway. Whatever. I read on.

' dear mr zeik

You are at that age where you are able to marry now and we have found you a perfect match. Please come to the Irene hall to see further details. Do not worry about transportation as we have someone coming to pick you up. You will not be allowed to leave the relationship at all during this duration and are expected to stay together.

The princess you are expected to marry is princess Callisto, otherwise recognised as a princess with a great and powerful army. Make sure you come tomorrow.

Yours sincerely
Albert '

I placed the letter next to my bed as I slept. I wondered about the question floating around my head. Who the hell is Callisto.


Hello there. I am the heroine of this story and the poor victim. My name is Callisto but you can call me Callie. I am right now in the middle of a crying session as I found out something that has forever shocked me. IM STUCK IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE. I DONT EVEN KNOW THE GUY. LIKE WHO IS ZEIK.

My mother and father had called me to their room and handed me a letter that they left for me to read with them. I was crying because I really didn't want to get married yet. I HAVENT EVEN WON MY WAR YET. Yeah basically I'm in a war with this giant, i can't remember what it's about though. WHATEVER. BACK TO CRYING. I curled up in my bed sheets and hugged my floppy bunny. How is it fair.

" princess you must calm down " my maid was outside trying to comfort me but no one could console me. I didn't even know the guy. Wait. WHAT IF. ITS A SUPER HOT GUY. LIKE A HUMAN VERSION OF HERCULES. I sat up and fantasised. He would be tall, handsome, dark blue hair, rich eyes. I began to kick my legs and squeal thinking about it. That's how I fell asleep. My cheeks red with my hugging my pillows tightly. If only dreams were a reality.

The giant's warrior brideWhere stories live. Discover now