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I made my way to the battle field and expected to see his army in full today when I didn't see anything. Not one giant. Did he forget. No. Maybe he's late. I sat down in the middle of the expansive field and waited. My army became bored of waiting and began to flake away. I was the only one left in the middle of the field. Everyone was there still but they were leaving in groups. I was still waiting for him. I almost fell asleep until I heard thudding. Really loud thudding. It was getting closer. I located the source when I looked to my left to see him running. Why is he running. Wait. Is he getting closer.

Now In our world we have games such as ball games. We have something called starball, we hear it's like baseball but we use stars instead. Now imagine the star got hit out and someone had to grab it and throw it to someone at a post, the way you would run up to the ball and grab it by scooping it up, that's what he did to me. I didn't have any time to think before he scooped me and ran. He held me against his chest and I looked up shocked. I was shaking. He normally grabs me during battles but my army always comes to save me, but now he's running away from them. They all reacted by trying to stab him and throw spears but there was no use.

" climb in " he demanded this and shoved me into his collar. I sat in the hollow of his neck and wondered where we were going. His ears were super pointy, they had assorted piercings and he had dark blueish hair. I wouldn't say he was ugly but I wouldn't want to marry him. He's competitive, stubborn and a horrible person overall. He was still running after around 30 minutes and stopped off by a stream. He sat down by the water and splashed some on his face. He used his wet hand to place me on the floor next to the water. 

" boy that was a good workout " he got up and stretched his limbs then looked down at me. He crouched back down and got closer. It shocked me so much I flew back and landed on my back. He reached his hand out to most likely help me up and I ran. I ran till I found a Rock not too far off and hid behind it. I knew I would never win in a race so I have to hide.

" Callisto " my head snapped up when I heard him call out my name. He carried on soon after " listen I know you probably hate me 'nd all but we're stuck like this aren't we, we may as well try to get along. So please come out " I peeked my head round the pebble to see any signs of deceit or some kind of cage to trap me in but he looked sincere. He couldn't see me yet.

" we're staying here for around 30 minutes so come out when you're ready " he looked directly at me and smiled. I recoiled and hid behind the rock again. What do I do. We kind of spent the next 10 minutes in silence till a disaster struck.


I was so bored. She wasn't fooling anyone I could see her behind that pebble. I was tempted to just stand up and force her to be with me but I'm not that type of person. I was skipping stones when I heard a scream. I was already standing up and I looked towards her. She was running from something. I soon realised what it was. It was a toad. It was absolutely huge. Like bigger than her. It was trying to eat her. She wasn't looking where she was going.

The horrid creature kept sticking its tongue out to try and grab her and it eventually stuck on her back. This idiot. It reeled her in slow enough so I stomped on its tongue so it let go of her. It hissed at me and ran. I could hear her tiny gasping and I simply scooped her up and placed her behind the rock. She didn't come over willingly so I couldn't count it. We had 20 minutes left until she chooses to either deal with me or never become queen.

I lay down against a moss covered mini boulder with my hands behind my head. My legs were on top of eachother and I took in the sounds of nature. That's when I felt so something weird. My chest felt like there was a mini rock on it. I opened my eyes fully to see she was there. She was sitting down but not facing me. She was looking off into the distance.

" have you decided " I asked her quietly and she looked towards me.

" can we do this tomorrow " she asked me quietly. " I'm not sure yet " I nodded and sat up too fast on purpose. She flew and landed in expecting hands.

" REALLY " she cried this out at me and I grinned. She landed in a strange position. So I was laughing about how she can act so big in such a way.

" can you take me home now " she asked this while staring at me and I instantly felt guilty.

" yeah about that, I was supposed to collect you yesterday and sorta got in trouble at home because of it, so this was technically a kidnapping "

" huh " I didn't hesitate to trap her in my hands and placed both of my cupped hands around her. I could hear her scream and she punched my hand. I didnt feel bad at all. She was supposed to be my fiancée after all.

" LET ME OUT MONSTER " the last word hit me where it hurt. Monster? I really felt like a monster in that moment. What was I doing. I opened my hands to see she was crying. Now i felt bad. She looked up at me with a look that made all the years of fighting melt away. What the hell. Why does my heart feel so hot.


" don't look at me like that I can't deal with it " he muttered this and brought me to his face.

" listen, I'm allowed to visit you whenever I want and you can do the same for me. Deal? " I nodded and he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. That's when he walked me home. I was around a 30 minutes walk away, for him at least, to my castle. We stopped of and he was about to drop me off when I got brought infront of plump lips He looked towards me and looked like he was hesitating. He leaned in closer then licked my face. Like a dog would do. I pushed the floppy red tongue away from me and he eventually stopped. He used his sleeve to rub off the excess saliva.

" I've always wanted to see how you taste, you taste good " he brought me away from his face and winked. I couldn't help but flush red.


" well you taste like one. Also I'm picking you up for a date tomorrow so be ready" he chucked and walked closer to my castle. He dropped me off at the entrance and waved. He walked away. I felt my knees buckle beneath me and I crumpled down to the floor. And shook. The whole idea of just getting asked out on a date was bigger than me. Especially by my arch enemy. WAIT. THIS IS MY ENEMY. I NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM LIKE THIS. I walked up to my room and hugged my pillow with a red face. How the hell do I deal with tomorrow.

The giant's warrior brideWhere stories live. Discover now