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I woke up before her. She was still cuddled against my neck and I was hungry. I mean very hungry. Maybe she'd let me... I would have to wake her up first. I can't be bothered to go down stairs and it's not like I would swallow her i just wanna taste her. I went two days without smelling or tasting her but now I can't get enough of it. I could feel her stirring next to me so I sat up and put my bent elbows either side of her. Her eyes opened groggily to stare up at me.

" zeik? What are y- "

" can I taste you " I said this quickly but clear enough so she could hear me. Her eyes widened but she kept eye contact. She would most likely say no after last time so I should just get ready to eat bre-

" sure " my head snapped down to her and she smiled up at me softly.

" really? "

" yeah sure just don't swallow okay? " she stared at me with a serious expression and I nodded. I scooped her up abruptly and I could feel her shaking in my palm. Is she scared.

" you don't have to do this if you don't want to I can just eat normal fo- "

" no it's fine. " she stared at me with a sense of courage. " this is how normal couples act right " ( someone who grew up fighting and never thought about love or how couples act )

" yeah I think it is " ( never had an official girlfriend before only had girls over ) i replied hastily.

" okay then " she closed her eyes and probably expected me to shove her in but I kissed her face. She twitched at the contact while I continued to lick her after the kiss. I eventually slurped her into my mouth and savoured her taste. She was so tasty. She tried to stay still while I licked her but failed as she still shook. We did this for a few minutes before I decided to get her out. I gathered her tiny body up on my tongue, she must be terrified, I'll make it up to her la-

" BABY BROTHER " my older sister yelled this from behind me and slapped my back. The action shocked me so much that I inhaled through my mouth and my head flew back. I may have accidentally swallowed in the process. I felt her travel down my throat while I continued choking on my spit.

" baby brother where's your girlfriend. By which I mean your future wife. Gosh I have to tell my pen pal about this. " that's when she actually looked at my face.

" wait why are you red. Don't tell me I caught you doing something naughty now. But wait your girlfriends not in here. Don't tell me you're cheating. Wait no there's no one else in here. Don't tell me you were doing something by you- "

" SHUT IT " I threw a pillow at her and that's when I felt something weird. She was moving around. But inside my gut. No no no no. I have to get her out. I ran over to the bathroom and my older sister tailed me. I Held myself over the sink and heaved as hard as I could. I knew how to do it without taking out some of the contents in case I'd swallow a pin or something. She landed in my hand with a small splat and I didn't even give her time to think before I drenched her with water. I used a facial cloth to scrub her down and rid her of the acid.

" zeik I- "

" im sorry Callie i said I wouldnt swallow but I did it by accident. " I pulled her out of the water and wrapped her up in the towel. She was curled up next to my stomach and I rubbed her shaking head. I felt terrible. That's when my head snapped over to my sister in the door way.

" baby brother aren't you happy that I'm back in my childhood home to see you "

" no if you're coming in here messing up things anyways where did you go " I tried to act cheerful to not scare Callie.

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