Chapter 1: The Deceitful Girl

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As the sun began to rise, its sienna rays set the entire landscape of Cardamon alight. The hills seemed to roll like a gentle ocean, the lush forests swayed and whispered in the morning breeze, and the purple poppy fields danced like a sea of violet flames. It was a sight that could take one's breath away, and yet, there was a little girl who stood amidst this beauty, feeling anything but awe. With her eyes transfixed on the destroyed castle of Cardamon, she could not help but feel the sting of loss and anger coursing through her veins. She kicked at the soil beneath her feet as if it were the source of her anguish, shivering with unbridled fury. 

The castle, once glorious and strong, now lay in ruins – a painful reminder of what had been stolen from her. "Cardamon," she whispered, her voice barely carrying over the wind. "My precious home."

It was as if a part of her very essence had been torn away, leaving her incomplete and yearning for the missing piece that would make her whole again. "Curse those villains," she muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing. Her gaze shifted to a small group of guardsmen that stood near the castle's entrance, their numbers diminished and their loyalty questionable at best. She couldn't trust them, not after everything that had happened. As her eyes traveled upward, she took in the lackluster spires and decaying steeples, a once-majestic sight now reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory.

Two guardsmen watched her from a distance, their gazes filled with caution and curiosity. They exchanged a glance before making their way down the rocky path, towards the bent gates of Cardamon, their boots leaving a trail in their wake. They stopped before her, offering a small bow of recognition. "Lady Rose," one of them said.

A glint flashed in the girl's big blue eyes, and it seemed to take the guardsmen by surprise. They exchanged uneasy glances, as though they could sense that something was amiss. But how could they know that Rose had been possessed by Valaria? That beneath the innocent appearance of a Spiderling girl, a dark power lurked, waiting to be unleashed?

"Is everything alright, Lady Rose?" the second guardsman asked, his voice wavering.

"Of course," Rose replied with a sweet tone, a deceptive smile playing on her lips.

"How are Mistress Aracnia, Ezekiel, and Mirranda?" A guardsman pried.

The girl blinked at him, her expression blank for a moment before recognition flared in her eyes. Valaria was struggling to remember. "Ah, yes," the girl answered finally, her voice trembling with forced emotion. "My family... They're dead I'm afraid." Valaria's ability to deceive and manipulate was astounding. Rose glanced around, her small fingers tightening their grip on the crushed poppy in her hand. The guardsmen watched her with increasing curiosity, but it was Valaria's voice that echoed through her thoughts, drowning out everything else. 'We must take back the castle, my dear,' she hissed in Rose's mind, making her intentions clear.

As Rose looked up at the decaying castle, she felt an inexplicable yearning to reclaim what was once Valaria's, to restore Cardamon to its former glory even though she didn't want it. It was a seed planted by the temptress.

'Valaria, I don't want this,' Rose thought desperately, feeling like a marionette being manipulated by a cruel puppeteer. Yet even as she rebelled against Valaria's control, there was no denying the pull she felt towards the castle – like a bug lured into a Spider's web, unable to resist the enticement.

Valaria's disgust at the state of Cardamon was palpable, even from within Rose's body. As the guardsmen led Rose into the castle, they saw each crumbling wall and decaying molding like a personal insult. However, if it could be rebuilt?

"Can't you see the beauty hidden beneath the ruins?" Valaria spoke through Rose, using the girl's innocent voice as a lure. "Cardamon deserves better than to be left in this state."The guardsmen exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by the young girl's maturity. Yet, they could not deny that there was something entrancing about her – a mixture of vulnerability, coupled with an underlying leadership they found quite outstanding.

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