chapter 1

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"How's the dress miss?" Asks the fitting lady as she begins to tighten the lace wrapped around my back. Everybody in this place has such a thick Italian accent, I do too but mine isn't really as thick as theirs.

This corset isn't really helping me either.


"The corset's a little tight" I wheeze, adjusting it. She let's out a small laugh.

"I know," she laughs,"it's supposed to be like that." She replies, adjusting my dress. "I may have to pin a few pieces together as you're a little overweight, but don't worry miss, it's normal for that to happen." She reassures.
Everybody says that it's okay to be overweight, when I know in reality they're just pitying me.

"Would you like to weigh yourself miss? So that we can sew a dress that can be adjusted to you?"

I nod my head and she rummages through the cupboard for a scale.

"Ok ma'am, just step onto here and it'll tell me roughly how much you weigh." She stops for a moment as if debating whether to say something. "I just want you to know, it's perfectly okay if you're slightly overweight, it can be fixed by implementing a diet for you."

I nod and proceed to step on the scale, "you weigh exactly 49 kg. I suppose that isn't so bad." She sighs. "Just try and eat less during the day and I recommend doing more exercise in your bedroom before you sleep and when you wake up."

I hear a small knock at the door. "Who is it?" I yell.

"It's me amore." Replies my mother. She enters the room, gasping when her gaze lands on me. I don't know if it's a good gasp or a bad gasp because i know for a fact the dress is small for me.
(T- love)

"Cos'è questo? Sei così bella." She praises, wrapping me into a hug. I blush and bury my face deeper into her shoulder.

T- what is this? You look so beautiful)

"Thank you mama, but I do need to finish getting ready." I giggle, kissing her on the cheek.

"Miss if you'll allow me, I'll just finish your hair and makeup and then you'll be done." Smiles the fitting lady.

I nod and sit at the dressing table after mama leaves and she continues to do my hair, "how long do I have to keep these pins in?" I ask, wincing as I attempt to scratch my back.

"Possibly the full day-" she pauses, watching as worry takes over my face. If I keep these pins on for the full say, i won't be able to do anything properly.

"-but I'll reorganize my schedule so I can come during the day to fix your dress, how does that sound?" She offers, making me smile.

"Thank you." I smile. She nods and walks out of the room, leaving me to myself.


"Wow mio tesoro, you look gorgeous." Says my oldest brother, reaching down to hug me.

His eyes soften and he crouches to my level. "you look beautiful." He smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I smile, "thank you, mio fratello." I whisper, kissing his cheek.
(T-my brother)

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