chapter 6

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"Okay, let's try this again." My stylist whips out the scale once more. I'm feeling fully confident that I've lost a full pound because I only had two pieces of toast yesterday, so I'm feeling proud of myself.

"47 pounds!" She laughs, "that's wonderful"

I'm beaming by the time she's reaching for the dress. It feels too delicate to even think about wearing it.

I hear a knock at the door, and mamá enters, smiling widely, "I'm so excited!" She squeals. "I can't wait till your father sees what I'll wear." She smiles.

"That's gross mamá." I laugh.

She waves her hand before walking over to me, and begins pinning my hair back. "This should help you slide it on easier."

My stylist retrieves it from the mannequin before sliding my corset onto me and tightening it, immediately, my air intake reduces and my bones are crushed.

"Lovely." I breathe.

She slides the undergarment onto me before the red dress. But when she puts it on me, it feels amazing, and I never want to take it off.

"You look gorgeous amore, I knew you would." Beames mamá, adjusting the strap on my dress.

"Thank you mamá, but what do I do when I enter the hall? Do I just walk in?" I ask.

"You have to give a bow, then just walk towards your brothers, they can handle the rest. Unless you get asked to dance. Then you aren't allowed to refuse." She says, and I'm immediately hoping that jack doesn't ask me, if he comes.

"Let's do your hair." They lead me towards the dressing table before curling my hair, placing it into a neat bun and pulling out a few strands before curling those too, then they proceed to do my makeup, ending it with a glossy look.

I walk towards the box that jack gave to me, and take the necklace out before putting it on, it goes perfectly with my dress and a smile escapes me.

"Who gave you that?" Asks mamà.

I hear a knock at the door and it opens, revealing all my brothers, in matching waistcoats, "wow you guys look amazing!" I beam. "I've never seen you look so smart."

"We always look smart." Replies my twin.

"You look beautiful tesoro." Smiles alfonzo.

Pietro walks towards me before moving closer to my ear, "I'm sure jack will love it." He whispers, stifling a laugh.

I wince and slap his arm, rolling my eyes. I wonder if jack would love it, and I'm secretly hoping he asks me to dance.

"You're so annoying pietrò." I mumble.

"If he asks you to dance, you can't refuse you know." He explains, "so uh good luck." He grins.

"I'm gonna push you out of that window if you say that one more ti- what are you doing?" I begin, but he walks over to the window, opening it.

"Checking to see how high the drop is to see if it's worth it." He says, amusement lining his tone, only fuelling my anger even more.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I seethe, but mamá holds me back.

"You can't run just yet amore, we need to pin your dress on properly." She says.

I sigh and glare at pietro.


We line up outside the hall and I link arms with my twin, who sends me a reassuring look.

tears of bladeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat