chapter 7

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I take my waistcoat off and put it on a nearby hook, before flipping the table and placing it on the ground, then I do the same with the chairs, before turning around and pausing when i catch alaila watching me.

She quickly turns away, and I watch as her gorgeous hair falls back into place.

She picks up a table and I see her struggling, so I run over to her and pick it up before placing it on the ground.

"I can do it myself." She mumbles.

"I know, I just thought you wouldn't want to ruin your dress." I reassure, I don't want her to think that I think she's weak, because I don't, i just don't like watching her struggle.

"Oh." She mumbles, I feel like I've done something wrong, she won't even look at me.

"Did I something wrong." I ask, grabbing a chair and placing it down. She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, whatever it is I did, I didn't mean to hurt you, I could never hurt you."I assure, trying to catch her beautiful smile, but it doesn't come, she just mumbles a thanks and walks away, her crimson dress trailing behind her.

I walk over to dante, and he glances my way before setting a chair down. "Hi." I begin, feeling extremely awkward, "i'm-"

"I know who you are." He says, sighing. "She isn't annoyed at you, she just needs some time. She's confused right now." He explains.

"Im assuming it's because of me?" I attempt.

He doesn't say anything, so I take that as a yes. I feel awful, I hate being the one to make her feel pain.

"She does like you, she just needs time to process her thoughts." Says pietro, walking over to us.

Pietro leans closer to me, "if she says yes. Don't break her heart. Or I'll fucking stomp on yours." He says, his eyes are sharp, and his jawline is tensed. At least I know not to mess with him.

"I would never break her heart, and if I ever do. I'll shoot myself for losing the only woman that brings me happiness." I reply, because it's true, I can't imagine ever breaking her heart.

"Damn right you will." Says dante.

I walk back to my post, deciding to get some fresh air. So I walk out the hall and into the hallway, stopping when I see alaila trying to fix her dress. She sees me and awkwardly turns back, revealing part of her back, I look away quickly, though I wish I wouldn't need to.

"Would you like me to fix your dress?" I offer, awkwardly scratching my neck because I have no idea what to do.

She nods slowly and walks over to me, holding her hair up, and I notice the necklace I gave to her, making me smile. "The necklace goes perfectly with your dress." I whisper.

She lets out a small laugh, making me smile, I love hearing her contagious laugh.

I tighten the lace on her dress before tying it. When I'm done she thanks me quietly before quickly walking away, then tripping on her dress.

I run over to help her up, and she glances at me before regaining her balance. "You seem to love falling." I tease, removing dirt from her hair.

She laughs, smoothing down her dress. "So embarrassing." She mutters.

I laugh, "are you alright?" I ask, examining her hands and face. She smiles and nods.

"Prince!" Shouts a guard. "His majesty is about to give his speech, he's calling you and princess alaila."

Me and alaila exchange looks, why would he be calling both of us?

We walk towards the hall and open the doors, I take a seat next to alfonzo and alaila takes a seat next to dante.

The king clears his throat, "thank you all, for coming. This is the second ball we have held so far in this palace." He clears his throat once more, "the funds we have raised today will be going towards charity-"applauds fill the hall.

"-And, king George would like to say a few words." Says the king, before handing the mic to my father.

"I think, we have all been waiting, actually, to hear this piece of exciting news," he begins, glancing at me.

"I'm pleased to announce, the wedding of jack williams and alaila govanni." He says, smirking. "Which will take place in a few days." The king stares at him shocked, and murmurs travel throughout the hall.

I turn to face alaila, but she's already staring at me, shock tracing her features. All her brothers turn to look at us both, as does everybody else in the hall.

Alaila sinks in her seat, and I can already tell she's uncomfortable, her eyes become glossy, but I see her pinch herself. I stand up and walk towards her, extending my hand, I don't want to force her out of the hall. If she wants to go with me, then she can, but she needs to decide quick, because everybody's watching us.

She hesitates before reaching for my hand, and without hesitation, i pull her from her seat, leading her out of the hall.

"Where do we go?" She whisper-shouts.

"We'll go to the stables." I respond, closing the double doors, leading her out of the palace.

When we reach the stables she lets out a long, shaky sigh, and I look down, smiling. "You can let go of my hand now." I tease.

She looks at me, looks down, then quickly moves her hand, rolling her eyes. "You grabbed me first." She retorts.

"You grabbed me for longer." I reply.

"You could've let go." She says, crossing her arms, an amused smile escapes me.

"What if I didn't want to, princess?"

She glares at me, making my smile widen.


He walks towards me, and my heart races, so I continue walking back, until I reach the back of a fence, immediately regretting my decision.

He walks closer to me, until our faces are inches apart. His beautiful smile is still there, and his almond eyes are boaring into mine.

He leans forward, and I can't help but smile, because my heart's racing and I've wanted to do this for so long.

But the kiss never comes, because when I open my eyes, he's still staring at me, love penetrating through his eyes.

He grabs a saddle from behind me and backs away, handing me the saddle. "Let's go for a ride." He offers.

I sigh. I wanted to kiss him, I should've just leaned forward and kissed him.

I put the saddle on my horse and attempt to climb up, but fail because my dress gets stuck in the wood.

I feel a pair of hands on my waist, and he pulls me up, helping me gain my position on my horse.

I mumble a thanks, because I'm still annoyed at him, but the thought of him grabbing my waist sends butterfly's down my spine.

He climbs his horse and rides next to me before stopping, "At least you know how you feel." He says, grinning, before taking off. The nerve of this insanely sexy man makes me want to kiss him even more.

I attempt to catch up to him but he only rides faster. Eventually I catch up to him, moving past him, causing him to chuckle.

We ride for ages, because the sun begins to set, so I take him to my favourite place, just outside the forest, where a singular tree stands.

He ties our horses to a nearby branch then makes his way over to me, and we both sit by the tree, watching the sunset.

And we stay like that for a while, without talking, just watching the sunset, and eventually, sleep pulls us under.

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