Year 6 - Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk

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Sixth birthday party

Decorations dangled with streams

A green jungle made heartily

Mother gone to extremes

When the guests left

The party didn't end

I danced with deft

But the night bent

Father offered milk to my cake

I accepted the large glass

Fingers trembled and shaked

The cup fell with a loud crash

I knew

He would fume with my slip

Yell and throw the chairs

If he knew I lost my grip

There could be no repair

A child's natural reaction to fear:

Hide themselves and cry

Yet when I poured out my tears

My home contorted awry

My mother took the punishment

Gasping and coughing as she fell

He stalked away in an instant

Moral to the experience

The lesson I learned

When I turned six

Don't cry over spilt milk...

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