9 - The Move

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After five children born

My parents made the move

They decided our home

Didn't have enough room

The change of scenery

Was quite exciting

From the slums of the city

To suburbs inviting

No more gun shots

Littered the day

Instead spacial slots

Larger bills to pay

After five and new home

My parents believed

Our issues were gone

Yet it didn't matter where we'd sleep

They were still old children

The fights didn't cease

Thick air full of his beer

Skunky smell in his beard

She couldn't think clear

I still shared a space

With the one who

Caused my mind to race

With sleep hours a few

Until she began

Locking me out

I no longer had

A safe space in my house

My sanctuary was

My younger sister's bed

She forever twas

The best of friends I ever had

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