10 - Depress

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My innards felt compressed

Mind's garden was a mess

Heart beat quickly as I stressed

A ten-year-old's grave depress

I built a world on-screen

Minecraft on Xbox set the scene

My classwork confusing and I deemed

I didn't need to know those trivial things

All day spent

Controller in grubby hands

Creating a picture-perfect land

My reality was bland

I manifested a place I could stand

My mind formulated blocks

Hair unwashed and knotted in locks

Time non-existent ticking on the clocks

Chocolate powdered milk the taste of chalk

My eyes were small

My mind was all

I wasn't tall

Until the fall

Learning meant nothing

I felt none but a weird something

Given the choice of schooling

So it was not what I was doing

Life felt simulated

Computer generated

As if I was the only one alive

Everyone else was dead

My eyes were small

Mind's garden a mess

I was alone and all

A ten-year-old's depress

My Life Poetically-DressedWhere stories live. Discover now