13.1 Chaperone

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A chaperone was required

If one of us went on a date

So when the older caught a boy

I had to do what I hate

I was tagged along

Forced into third-wheeling

The night seemed so long

Mustang brakes squeeling

The boy sucked

The ass of a cigarette

I kept my face tucked

To stop an asthma attack

Older's doe eyes

Crept the boy's face

I lost my despise

For admiration like that

Looked so kind

I grew to befriend

Older's boyfriend

For we had

A ridiculous amount

In common


He was spoiled

Held no respect

His selfishness boiled

Older was too young for him

And he knew it

Used her need of attention

To his advantage

So I was the chaperone

To the grand finish

Of their polluted

And withering relationship

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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