11 - And He Was Gone

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Bouncing up and down

Felt like soaring in the sky

I jumped on the trampoline

While father got real high

On this day he flew

Higher than a kite

His mind subdued

Hazy with the miller lite

Mother tried to ask a favor

Told him "it would be no labor"

He didn't seem to favor

But the violence would come later

I took a jump wrong

Fell on my fragile ankle

Twisted and no longer strong

Father carried me from the scene

Ice pack compressed the swell

After I was settled in

The conversation was beckoned

Of the favor needed done

That father rejected

He roared at mother

Lifted her body in the air

Threw her onto the floor

Ripped out chunks of her long hair

Bruises decorated her frail skin

Sister tried to jump in

Father shoved her to distance

His voice rocked the foundation

Next morning was a mess

He pulled the phone service

Took mother's personal addresses

And held my sister in air suspense

Mother snuck in brother's room

Dialed the emergency tune

Sidetracked father 'til his doom

When police swooped him out of view

The battle wasn't over

The war just begun

After the resolution

Things were ever more spun

Father restrained from our connection

But he spied and stalked

He went against court orders

Just so mother and him could "talk"

Bills left unpaid

There was no income

There were promises made

For father's child support

Not one check came

No gas to heat the oven

No AC, it was broken

Cold showers

Microwave dinners

Seven dollars an hour

State helped at the minimum

So she would let him in

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