Chapter 6: Fixing The Road

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[The screen then skips to outside, where we see Bessie, who is a road-paving machine that is not a living vehicle. Tar is heard gurgling. Doc is next to her, with McQueen, the gang and Mater.]

Doc Hudson: This here is Bessie, finest Road-Paving Machine ever built. 

Princess: There's no way I'm working with her. No way.

Doc Hudson: [to McQueen and the gang] I'm hereby sentencing you all to community service. Y'all gonna fix the road under my supervision.

Lightning McQueen: WHAT?! This place is crazy!

Tow Mater: [whispers to McQueen] Hey, I know this may be a bad time right now, but uh, you owe me $32,000 in legal fees.

Lightning McQueen: What?

Skye: Uh, I don't think cars use money.

Henry: Obviously it's humans who use money

Doc Hudson: [to McQueen and the gang] So we're gonna hitch y'all up to sweet Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice.

Lightning McQueen: You're gotta be kidding me.

Doc Hudson: [to McQueen] You and your friends start there where the road begins, [drives to where the road begins from the courthouse] y'all finish down there where the road ends.

Tow Mater: [Mater and the team get onto the road, facing towards the end of the town, and has a long swirly crack. McQueen moves his tire up, and moves himself forward so he can move with his parking boot still on. Mater looking at the damaged road] HOLY SHOOT!!!

All: (Gasps) 

Everest: Oh my gosh!

Rubble: That is one large crack.

Champ: Whoa, whoa, whoa! How long is this gonna take?!

Doc Hudson: Well, fella does it right, should take him about 5-days.

Lightning McQueen: 5-days?! But I should be in California schmoozing Dinoco right now!

Doc Hudson: Then if I were you, I'd quit yappin' and start working! Hook them up, Mater.

Tow Mater: Okay-dokey. [Mater tries to get McQueen's parking boot off as watched him do that. Mater groaning. Finally, McQueen's boot comes off. Suddenly, he quickly move away and into the distance.]

Lightning McQueen: FREEDOM!!!!

Tow Mater: [Doc and the gang crossly looked at Mater, who was shocked.] Maybe I should've uh hooked him up to Bessie...and then uh...then took the boot off. [looks at the team]

[Then the screen shows McQueen driving away from Radiator Springs, even driving past a billboard saying "Leaving so soon?"]

Lightning McQueen: WHOO-HOO! Goodbye, Radiator Springs, and goodbye, Bessie! California, here I come! Yeah! Oh, fell that wind! Yes! [But then, he starts sputtering.] No, no, no, no! Outta gas? How can I be outta gas?

Sheriff: [He stopped near the other billboard, where Sheriff and Sally are.] [laughs] Boy, we ain't as dumb as you think we are.

Lightning McQueen: [sputtering] But, but, but how did...? How did--? You--?

Sally Carrera: We siphoned your gas while you were passed out, [reflects sunlight on her wing mirror] KA-CHOW. [McQueen getting hit in the eyes by the reflected sunlight] [McQueen groans] [Sheriff laughing]

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