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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Thoughts and school


A crisp autumn wind weaves through the almost naked branches, which sprawl along the clean painted sidewalks.

The colorful leaves, which cascade to the ground sway mindlessly in the air, as if dancing to a melody only they can hear.

The birds which are up and chirping on this bright, clouded morning sing a lullaby.

The scene that's displayed, for any eye it catches, brings no comfort too the young girl, who watches it from the glass tinted window.

The warming atmosphere that is projected seems rather gloomy to her russet colored eyes.

The scintillating leaves, in her view, appear blurred; like a fast ticking clock, that has only ever spent it's time trying too catch up; everything was somewhat melancholy.

It filled her with emptiness, a void that was always a void. Never full, never anything more than empty.

And like the scenery that passed her eyes, so did time. The minutes she was left thinking felt like hours, stuck in an endless loop, days and nights pulled together.

Which was which?

Could time tell the difference as well, or was time just as confused?

Was time stuck like she was or was time moving too fast for her too catch up?

Fast, like the moving car she sat in. Her jumbled thoughts rumaged for an answer, never yet to find one, but always wishing for one.

The car, which she sat stiff in, comes to an abrupt stop.

Inside it's hallow, almost as empty as a forest when the moon rises at night. However, in this car it is not empty, it just seems almost abandon and haunted.

No sign of life.

Contrary too the metaphor, there inside the four wheeled vehicle sits two other bodies.

Corpses, not dead but not quite alive. Breathing, yet not living, just existing. Like most things on earth.

The tension of the bodies, which sit upon the leather seats, is so thick a sharp knife would not be able too cut through it.

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