To myself

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Dear me,
I am incredibly sorry to write, that today is my last day in this world and if I could turn back time, I would do that and delete all the people who hurt me from my life in time.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. My former self, who was still so happy at the time and absolutely wanted to get older, would certainly be so incredibly disappointed with me.

I just wish my life had turned out differently.
Too many people have accompanied me on my way but have done nothing.
It's crazy but also weird how quickly life can change. When I think about how happy and carefree I was a year ago, I actually can't believe it.

I know I shouldn't do that. I should not take my life, but I have been disappointed too often and now there is no other way out for me.

In my head there is a thick cloud of smoke that makes me see everything so differently.

Why do I always react so emotionally to the smallest little things?
What have I done to deserve to be treated like that. Meanwhile, I just feel like a toy that only exists so that others can argue about it. I feel empty.
Not happy, not really sad, but just empty.
Emotionless, as if I were a robot who has no feelings.

What has become out of me?

I always wanted to become so strong, big and successful. I know all the adults always say it's not so bad and they would also have had to go through puberty.

But then why don't they have scars on almost every part of their body? Why weren't their arms packed in safety bandages like mine?
Is it really because I am too sensitive or because life has stood against me?

I think some people in this world simply have to die earlier than the natural death rate provides.
Maybe it's to open new doors for other people or simply to satisfy them. Who knows.

A little sad that I only survived seventeen years in this world, but I hope all the people I love will have a long and fulfilled life.

Maybe they will miss me, maybe not, but everyone who reads this letter should never forget how important it is to love yourself. Every person has a value and is precious.

Because if you don't start to love yourself, you will maybe be the reason for your own death.


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