Amusement park

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Summary: Adric Nyssa and Tegan have fun on the amusement on planet Aggro and The Doctor and Phoebe continue to work on TARDIS repairs

It was the next morning Phoebe had done an all nighter with the Doctor working on the console the good news was they had fixed repaired and adjusted things underneath the console this they had the top part to do.

But before Phoebe could help the Doctor with that Phoebe had settled up at the hotel.

"Back in 5 Doctor need to settle up at the hotel" Phoebe said

"Okay don't be too long" The Doctor said

"Welcome to the Aggro Hotel how can I help" Maddoe said

Maddoe was an old friends of Phoebe and he just happened to be on duty this morning.

"Morning Maddoe i'm to settle the bill from last night and pay for my friends breakfast this morning" Phoebe said

"Ah Yes Phoebe of course what where friends names" Maddoe asked

"Adric Nyssa and Tegan"Phoebe said

"Ah yes the gobby Australian" Maddoe said

"Yes that's her Tegan look how much do I own you" Phoebe said

"As It's you Phoebe it normally 6'000 space rocks for what they use yesterday Nyssa and Tegan did a two hour spa session that 20 rocks an hour and Adric spend most the afternoon and yesterday evening in the swimming pool It's a 100 space rocks an hour but as it you it's 6 space rocks" Maddoe said

Phoebe rummage around in her pocket for a big rock to pay with on Aggro you pay in rocks.

"Here 1 big space rocks should be more then enough to cover what they spend last night and for breakfast" Phoebe said

"Perfect you friends are in the dinning room having breakfast" Maddoe said

"Cheers Mate I go say hello" Phoebe said

Phoebe walked into the dinning she was going to tell her friends she had settled up.

"Morning Kids i just wanted to let you know I settled up the price of your stay i know the manager it was 6'000 space rocks but he cut me a deal 1 big rock and I paid that for your breakfast too so it's on me" Phoebe said

"How did you pay for it?l Adric asked

"Well Space Money loon i better get back to The Doctor but here's a bag of space money for you three to go on the rides at Aggro Amusement park a bag each you pay in rocks on this planet rocks on this planet are worth a lot of money oh here the money chart for Aggro" Phoebe said

"Thanks" Tegan said

"Pleasure now have fun"Phoebe said

Phoebe headed back to the TARDIS to help the Doctor with the last of maintenance and repair work despite what they companions might think this was a holiday for The Doctor and Phoebe.

"Doctor I'm back" Phoebe said

"Hey Phoebe did you settle up okay at the hotel" The Doctor asked

"Yes I did the total was 6'0000 Rocks but Maddoe made me a deal and I gave him one space rocks also paid for there breakfast and lunch and I gave them three bags of space money each to spend at the amusement park for the rides" Phoebe said

Adric Tegan and Nyssa headed to the amusement park for some fun. It was nice that The Doctor and Phoebe decided to do some maintenance for a few days. It gave everyone a chance to recharge and relax for a bit.

Phoebe and The Doctor though that nothing on the planet Aggro could go wrong and there were wrong.

To be continued.

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