The future of Gallifrey

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Summary: Phoebe finds something out while she recovering about the future of Gallifrey the Doctor takes his companions exploring the planet.

Medi bay

Phoebe was beginning to get some feeling back in her legs Das was happy for her to take a walk in a chair around Gallifrey.

Phoebe was curious why The Timelord had started to ditch the rule of no inference and why years ago they wanted the Doctor to destroy the Daleks.

She knew the Timelords where hiding something why had they changed the laws about non inference and non intervention.

Council chamber.

"Lord President we have to tell Phoebe what we have a found about the future of Gallifrey" Hedin said

"No that is a possible future it might not happen" Boursa said

"The prophecy was made clear the future of Gallifrey is we fight in a Time war with the Daleks" Thalia said

They had no idea that Phoebe had been listening to this hold thing she bursted in the council chamber.

"I heard that hold thing about the future of our home planet tell me" Phoebe said

"Fine we saw the future in years to come Gallifrey will be fighting the Daleks but the prophecy said that you and The Doctor will be the last survivors of our race the last Timelord" Boursa said

"This is why you changed your policy or non-interference and nonintervention isn't it?" Phoebe said

"Yeah we saw this coming what you have to understand is that you can't tell the Doctor of what we told you" Thalia said

"I have never kept a secret from him before by fine one last question how long have you know about" Phoebe said

"Ever since the Doctors 4th incarnation" Boursa said

"Okay well thank you where can I find the Doctor an our friends" Phoebe said

"They not in the Citadel today the Doctor I believe took them to explore Arcadia" Thalia said


"Adric Nyssa and Tegan welcome to Gallifrey second City Arcadia some Timelord live here actually any old companion of mine Leela lives in Arcadia" The Doctor said

"It's Beautiful" Tegan said

"It amazing so much here" Nyssa said

"Yeah myself and Phoebe use to live here when she was at the academy" The Doctor said

"It's the safest place on Gallifrey " Phoebe said

"Phoebe your feeling better clearly" The Doctor said

"I was talking to the Lord President after the Sontarans stuff I helped re design the force field for Gallifrey nothing in the universe can though the force field it's impenetrable" Phoebe said

"By the way Phoebe I have been meaning to ask what are you wearing robes" Tegan asked

"Oh it's standard Gallifreyan clothing" Phoebe said

"Phoebe i have something i need to tell ever since you came into my life all those years ago on Skaro you have become the most important person in my life you keep my fighting i would be honoured if you started calling me dad as well as Doctor" The Doctor said

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