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Summary: Phoebe is kidnapped by the Daleks and take to Skaro where she learns all about the original plan and the Doctor makes it his mission to bring her back safe.

They didn't all make it back to the TARDIS the Doctor and Adric did but Phoebe was kidnapped by the Daleks before she could make it back.

Phoebe was drugged and placed in a Dalek ship back in the TARDIS however the Doctor was determined to follow the ship.

"Where are we going " Nyssa asked

"Skaro the original planet of the Daleks I was there some years ago that's where I found my daughter" The Doctor said


Phoebe woke up she was chained up in a chair she knew where she was Skaro the Daleks had kidnapped and drugged her but why?

For the very first time Phoebe was scared general scared for her life What did the Daleks want with her? Why did they crash that ship?.

"Your awake Miss Stocks" Darvos said

"Why did you bring me here?" Phoebe asked

"For our plan that we stared when you were a baby before the Doctor stopped us" Darvos said

"Oh trust me he will what exactly do you plan to do?" Phoebe said

"Well Miss Stocks you were our Archtype we are going to make into the Dalek Human" Darvos Said

"Well firstly you can't do that because I'm no longer a human I'm a Time Lady scan me if you don't believe me" Phoebe said

"The female is correct she is a Timelord" Dalek 1 said

"Told you so what now why am I'm feeling weak" Phoebe said

"Because I had feeling this would be case so we a draining you so we can pumped you with Dalek DNA" Darvos said

"But you can't do in not your toy Daleks" Phoebe said

Phoebe pressed her SOS button the Doctor had given her and it when straight to the TARDIS console.


The Doctor was still trying to track Phoebe down just them a red light came on the console.

"What's that noise?" Tegan asked

"Phoebe pressed her SOS button I should now be able to fix on her she on Skaro settings coordinates for Skaro and I'm putting the engines on silent so the Daleks can't detect the sound" The Doctor said

"What do the Daleks want with her?" Nyssa asked

"Most likely to try and complete what they couldn't do 100 years ago when I saved my daughter from so some reason that still thinks she belongs to them" The Doctor said

The TARDIS materialised on Skaro right in the command deck where Phoebe was.

"It time to start the process" Darvos said

Phoebe knew the TARDIS had locked on to her SOS signal because it had stop buzzing which means The Doctor was near all she had to do was Daleks talking.

The command deck

"My daughter is somewhere here I have to find and save her" The Doctor said

"How can we help" Adric asked

"Okay rules the Daleks are my worst enemies so 1 don't wander off 2 should we meet any Daleks you take you cue from me 3 no heroics and 4 until my daughter is safely back K9 is second in command" The Doctor said

"Affirmative Master" K9 Said

While the Doctor and the others were on a mission to find Phoebe she was doing her own thing keeping the talking.

"So you guys crashed the Cargo ship on Aggro to drawn me out of the open" Phoebe said

"Yes we did" Dalek 2 said

The Hoilday Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ