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Summary:The Doctor has asked if Phoebe can start calling him dad around there friends rather then just in private.

"Well I'm so use to calling Doctor you did say when I got older I call you Doctor or Dad whatever i was comfortable with but I guess dad it is" Phoebe said

"You don't have to call me dad all the time but once in awhile as a reminder i still have my daughter next to me fighting alone side" The Doctor said

"Consider it done" Phoebe said

Phoebe to the Doctor was not only his Daughter but the person that helped get over companions leaving lifted up when he needed it.

Not only that she had been present at each one of his regeneration and reminded him who he is she is also his Co-Pilot and know how to pilot the TARDIS after he has regenerate.

"We better make our way back to the Citadel I have to check on K9 he's on guard duty" The Doctor said

"How is my dog after blowing up the Daleks ship" Phoebe said

"He's recharging I have plugged him into the console" The Doctor said

"And as for me i better get back to the Medi bay before Das comes to find me he though I was going to the council chamber which I did but came to find you guys and of course you would be in Arcadia"Phoebe said

Phoebe had to tell the Doctor the truth about what would happen to Gallifrey in the future dispirited what the Timelord had said saying sue can't tell the Doctor.

She knew she had to because what was going to happen in the future would affect The Doctor as well as Phoebe.

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